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2008-12-02 15:09:16| 人氣69| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Kailas’ cocktail party@novotel - 唔係個個bacpacker都可以

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Just told fr Chris, we couldn’t wear jeans for the cocktail party in Novotel. Wt?!! We r backpackers, we have only jeans or sport wear!
It’s lucky that Mei got some clothes fr the previous employer, although they r not very trendy dress, we found some ’good’ ones for the party. Addi could only wear his levi’s jeans. Hey, many stars wear jeans to party, i really don’t understand wt’s wrong with jeans. The dress code is "smart clasal", after joinning this cocktail party, wt my understanding of the meaning of "smart causal" changed.....
All the old ppl working in Kailas r so rich! This cocktail party is for them to show off! sigh....
Anyway, it’s really an excellent experience of joinning this kind of high-class cocktail party in Aus. There were not only some expenisve snacks (salmon biscuits, crumbed squid, bbq mutton....), but also a live-band!! Cool!!
All ppl looked so diff tonight. Even the German backpackers, Dannis & Thomas, still have very nice shirt to this party. Um....I suggest all the backpackers should have a nice party dressing when they r backpacking in Aus.><

之後d高層講野,好鬼悶,講d人我又唔識喎,唯一識的只有frank, 佢真係好nice, 就算係我地呢d咁ge窮backpackers都好關心我地,佢黎之前仲親自黎我地屋問我地搭唔搭車tim,真係超好人。
同左kailas d 同事影相之後,就去搵番novotel 廚房d同事喇。嘩,最surprising ge係housekeeping 的 chris做左我之前個位,dishwasher! 我都估到佢"猴"住我個dishwasher位ga喇,早知一早搵佢接我啦。
趕完send sms比linna, manu & bec去potshot再飲過之後,我地終於可以去live band前跳舞喇!! wow 好high呀! 真係好正,nigel仲走左出去唱左兩嘴tim~~
不過....唯一掃興的係chiris 囉, 佢超,亂咁跳,係咁撞到佢旁邊的女士,都唔知佢係唔小心定想high油喇,總之佢周圍d女就好唔like佢啦。仲有一個女仔嬲到拉佢埋一邊話佢,i....唔該佢唔好走埋黎話識我地....

last song又last song, 最後個party都係over-run左半個鐘,真係要閃喇! 要去potshot喇!
岩岩開車行出novotel個門口,chris就截停左我地,叫我地一齊車佢去potshot。本來當然冇問題啦,佢對我地咁好, 不過佢今日ring ring地,真係有d怕佢。
anyway, 到左potshot之後好耐都唔見有約好一齊去的人,除左又再一次撞見sebina之外,就只有danlise....我地介撞到重新包裝danmian. 佢平時都幾搞笑ga, 係咁講d gag笑話,又係咁懶型,仲同我玩貼label o係背脊遊戲....總之三個字,白痴仔! ha~但幾好玩ge~
我地仲撞到sue個月cassy tim~ wow, 真係exmouth處處係熟人呀~~
再等多陣都係唔見班german黎,頂佢地個肺丫,又係佢地話要黎,又唔蒲頭,仲要pass左個醉酒佬比我地!頂! 好彩有danlise o係度,我地趁chris去廁所時就閃人喇,
之後去左blue reef搵linna & manu, 成11點都仲去搵佢地係因為我唔知仲有冇機會可以見到佢地,因為大家都要離開exmouth, 我向北走, 佢地向南走....希望之後仲有機會見啦~~~

好忙的兩日,但真係好正~ 我地所經歷的真係唔係個個backpackers都可以遇到ga~~ 正!!! I love Exmouth!!

PS. 我同chloe已留左o係exmouth4個月喇,比好多呢度的oz都更認識exmouth (chiris都係第一次去national park, 我地就已去左4次),仲識比某d oz認識更多exmouth的fd tim (真係每一次去town都會撞到好多熟人),係咁同認識的人遇見o既感覺真係好好,真似我地已係呢度的resident咁~ 不過咁樣的feeling對backpackers黎講,亦都暗示我地係時候要走喇~

台長: 姝妹
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