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2008-05-27 15:44:56| 人氣123| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

去swan valley tasting wine 一定要join shuttle bus service!

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本來想去margaret river, but太貴,所以決定去性質差不多的swan valley去品酒。
於是,今日一早就同台灣fd 佩芬用family rider 去swan valley. 我地joined swan shuttle but only,冇join tour, cos shuttle bus 只要$30就可玩成日,而d tour 半日都要65蚊....
不過shuttle bus真係唔只shuttle bus only, driver zizggy佢超好人,佢識好多winery 的人,so 你一入到去, 佢同地d staff or owner講聲, 我地即刻可以試酒。
佢先帶我地去edgecombe brothers, 裡面有個新加坡出世的店員,我地有個tasting list, 可free咁試8種紅﹑白酒,仲要有cheese, dried grapes伴油, 超正。我本人比較like紅酒, cos濃d。
而當中最正,最貴的,都係紅酒, 都真係超好味。我試用milla教我的方法去品酒,ha,好似懶勁咁。
我買左$20 的dessert wine, muscat cos真係好smooth, 有creamy的feeling, 比較甜,店員仲比左ice cream我地伴酒, excellent! 最貴的紅酒liqueor shiraz真係貴好多, so試下算lu。店主仲幫我o係枝wine上sign佢的大名, 咁即係就算我飲左都唔可以掉啦,佢要跟我成年...
2nd site係 chesters of heafod glen。店員aldrenin 係aus人, but佢d英文好易聽, cos佢周圍去識左好多唔好國家的人,so佢會知道aus的口音真係唔係人聽ge呢,d人仲以為佢係british tim. 佢係第一個明白我的問題的aus人,so好感動,同佢傾左好耐。佢知我要去morawa做waitrss, 叫我唔駛擔心,if我聽唔明aus講咩, 就話"stop! pls separate yr words, yrs is not english!!"
haha, 笑死我。佢話我只係tough d, d客有問題就大叫stop! ha, 咩唔係customer is number one ge咩? aldrenin仲比左佢tel no比我, 話有咩問題or預到咩得意事都可send msg比佢, he is extremely nice!!
cos 佩芬去左toilet好耐,我試左5種red wine之後, 我就去左搵佢。原來佢真係drunk, 仲嘔tim,so我地冇再入去taste wine,o係出面休息only.
3rd site去左houghton, but冇試酒, cos要10蚊試酒費。我地食左自備的lunch 之後就去左4th site, margaret riVer chocolate co. 雖然冇去margaret river, 不過都可以免費食到佢地3種最basic的chocolates, taste gd. 佢仲有好多好似好好味的cho, but要成$1.5/粒, 我地冇試。不過都睇到佢地點整chocolate, so interesting!
5th site去左 sandaford,佢係一間好大的co., 試12隻酒只要$2.5only, so我有試, alreadly drunk的佩芬當然冇試啦, so我唔可試太耐,半個鐘試13種wine, 有一種係店只私人醒的~
佢有好多得獎的wine, white wine得獎的我分唔出有咩咁好, but red wine有獎的都真係唔同,超好味,but當然又貴d啦。咁短時間試左咁多wine,支支都有成18.5% alcohol, 咁都唔ring, 我的酒量唔太差o卦~

我好滿意今次shuttle bus 遊swan valley之旅,if你地去的話都要join zizggy的車呀!

then去左burswood casino, but cos佩芬的陸軍pant唔入得去,so o係intercontenetial hotel坐坐就閃人lu。

a great day!!

台長: 姝妹
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I really like the wine industry. would you please help me to ask whether there is any path to do in Australia? thanks!
2008-05-30 16:07:10
i wanna do as well!!!
2008-06-19 11:51:39
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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