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2008-05-10 13:36:44| 人氣70| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Feeling gulity of the seQ in the Perth Mint.....

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8 May: milla’s fd, Karin, came, so one more fd come with me to visit Perth. We went to King’s park. It’s only a park in city, but it’s very large and already very beautiful.
There r full of trees and the tree types r so diff fr those in hk.Really enjoy the walk and the peace here~

9 May:
We visited the Perth Mint. We went straightly inside and the sequrity who lost his right hand didn’t ask we to buy any ticket. so we believe it’s free for entry. Then we followed a tour guide and we gradually realized that all they got a green stickers, i think we should pay for entry...
We tried to take up a gold of 12.7 kg, but we couldn’t!! And we weighted ourselves if we r gold, then, wt will be our values. And I would cost AUS$17XX if i were a gold!! HAHA, I think i should better be a gold then.
The show of melting and moulding a gold is wonderful. It’s really extremely hot even after dipping in cold water for a while, when the man touche the gold with his hand which haa been wrapped by a thick thick glove, it burns with barks!!!It’s awesome!!
When we left, the sequrity asked us if we got tickets......I couldn’t give any response!! Karin just pretended unable to listen english and mis-understand his sentence as " Have u bought a hat here?" (since he was touching his hat to show the stickers to us). And then he felt depressed and just let we go......I feel really gulity and i am depressed 2!!!
Although we save Aus$15, i prefer we never go inside......-__- Oh god, forgive me pls!!!!!!

Then, i bought a set of "sub deal" in subwayk,it tastes so good and fresh!! I can add all ingredients to the wheat oat bread. it’s the cheapest meal among Aus fast food shops.
After going to the job shop, BC took us to a beach nearby. It’s not a famous beach, but it’s already so beautiful. We went to ’Dome’ to have coffee and a western carrot cake. it tastes not so gd cos i dont like the Cinnamon, but both milla and kerin love it.
We had a gd sharing time, and i now know that 阿輝 & Mr cool r the one of the 四大天王 in their school, haha, 阿輝 really does seem to be naught boy!!!
We had to leave in a hurry cos BC only have 2 hr to spend and he must go back to work again. He’s too generous and friendly that he spend so many his treasurable time to me and pay treat for us!!! THXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!

In the way home, the French, may be my boss in the future, called me to have an informal interview in the cafe. It’s great!!!! I couldnt hear wt he said at firstk, then he tried to speak very slow and asked me "do u understand" in nearly the end of every sentence....he
s so kind!! I hope i can be his staff soon. it’s a job of housekeeping in a hotel in the north of Perth. I really dont mind the location, cos the salary and benefits are so good. I wish i can be success tmr.

We went shopping then, cos it’s a late shopping day on friday in perth. All shops close at 5 pm in weekdays except Friday! I bought a lotion and toothpaste for aus$1.99 each only!! it’s a big discount in ’priceline’ which is sth like manling & watson in HK!!
we ate delicious chips during shopping. And we shop in Roxy, sth here r so cheap, cheaper than hk!! i really want to buy bikini here which only costs aus$19!! but i finally didnt cos i havent found a job and should save money...
We had dinner in the hostel, n a irish man chat with me, i recognized him wronly as the men asked me to take photos with him previously....so i accepted to chat with him and acted so friendly. He wanted to invite we to drink beer outside the kitchen, but i just refused him by saying i have to ask my fd. Acutally, i dont mind, but mila and kerin wanted to go to pub.
during dinning, i chatted with a taiwan girl, i, again, expressed how i love taiwan tv programme, music and artists! HAHA....

We went to one of the pub in Jame’s st. We chose it becos 0f it’s live band. It’s a traditiona pub, so the ppl there is old, not many young here. They sany old songs but it’s great!
A man hold me slighly, and talked to me. I didnt listen well cos there was too noisy. he seems to ask us to come to this pub again in the next week cos there will be a dancing night there. He looks friendly, so forget it

台長: 姝妹
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hey, what is &quotsub deal&quot? haha.
sounds your life is interesting over there, have fun!! :P
2008-05-13 13:08:41
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