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2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2013-05-13 20:52:49

【Canada trip】Day 7~12_Toronto to Winnipeg MB

(Fort Gary Hotel in Winnipeg MB)(VIA station in Winnipeg, MB)【Canada trip】Day 7~12_Toronto to Winnipeg MB真的, 什麼都寫(鍵)不出來, 趁著還小喘的時候, 就上傳幾張照片吧~~去年12月初, 從多倫多國際機場...

2013-05-06 07:49:48


399812.jpg 還剩什麼? 除了自樹葉縫隙撒下的陽光一片好幾個月寫不出個啥三個多月寫出的六頁Word英文短篇和好友討論後認為不合適放在公開網頁上內容也與設定的目的不相符這個島是百病叢生? 國家也瘋了?認同認同 版僕認...

2013-03-12 12:36:16


Oh dear, one day if I don’t breath anymore in front of you, or maybe my heart beat just stop, darling, please let me just go~ --Chie Chin Peng(WitchVera) 05 Feb 2013 噢 我最親愛的 如果有一天在你面前的...

2013-03-02 15:10:04


↑ 吊橋.jpg ↑ 從吊橋一側看到的景色↑ 民宿01.jpg 黑糖剉冰裡的餐廳一角 ↑ 民宿02.jpg 二樓觀景台的布置 ↑ 立碑.jpg 簡單中說明出泰雅的文化與驕傲 【0122】再訪溪口台地飛鳥 翱翔於山澗溪谷蟲鳴 叫叫於樹蔭草叢...

2013-02-26 12:43:30

【Canada trip】Day 6_Toronto Int'l Airport

【Canada trip】Day 6_Toronto Int'l Airport11/29大約八點Vicky就來電而我正開門要外出,她怕我因天冷又下薄雪而遲了我與CIBC的約會,所以一到公司就想撥電話叫醒我。其實電話響那時候我正開門預備離開旅館了。 離開...

2013-02-26 12:26:05

【Canada trip】Day 5_Raddison Hotel

【Canada trip】Day 5_Raddison Hotel 下午11/28(Wed)就向旅館櫃檯取消早上的巴士行程,收看電視裡的各種節目,還看到很久時代的StarWar,當時的各個主、配角演員都還年輕,武器也單純,還有公主的裝扮也很輕麗呢! ...

2013-02-25 16:15:12


勞委會中壢就服站訂於102年02月25日(週一)09:00~11:30於楊梅市公所2樓大禮堂(楊梅市大成路2號)舉行徵才活動,歡迎有興趣的求職朋友踴躍參加!歡迎您參加 ,附件為海報供您參考 .中壢就業服務站 電話 : (03)4681106 ext...

2013-02-23 20:54:57


↑ KhonKaen 10.jpg 這團服裝一致的女聲團體很吸引注目~ 取自Rus的FB.前一個月去泰國˙昆敬府(Muang Khon Kaen)*參加一場婚宴,除了對當地風土景觀留有好印象, 對Rus家人與親友們間的好交情, 更是深為感動。 參加婚...

2013-02-23 18:07:12


網友們安安:您們之中在台灣且今天工作中的嗎? 我也是只是今天工作兩小時罷了 問過四位鄉親 他們認為我可能真的被盯上了 雖然我不是民進黨員 但思想與行為太接近民進黨了 一位阿桑還說 趕快找一位委員去講 先爆料免得...

2013-01-27 22:15:07

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part V

↑ What I saw in ThongTa resort, BKK, Thailand on 15 Jan 2013. ↑ What I saw near Grand Inn Come Hotel in BKK, Thailand on 19 Jan 2013. ↑ What I saw in Grand Inn Come Hotel, BKK, Thailand on 19 Jan ...

2013-01-27 21:43:22

Jimphony in Khon Kaen

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part IVJimphonyis a music instrument store located in KhonKaen, Thailand that Yui took me to practice the song on 16 Jan 2013. And, when Yui and I arrived and stoo...

2013-01-27 21:22:10

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part III

↑ 424555.jpg It's a lovely new-wed couple. The new-wed couple came andexperience thespace in the restaurantbefore night-fall, the band play songs romance, tables are about to ready. The guests came o...

2013-01-27 20:59:59

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part II

One special restaurant located in Robinson shopping center is MK restaurant on 16 January. The space for each table is large, clean and comfortable. (Even their menu is large, haha~) The meal on the t...

2013-01-27 19:01:44

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part I

↑ 409492.jpg photo were in Thailand,maytook by Russ's friend.WitchVera received the invitation on December 2012 for a wedding in Roi-Et, Thailand. It took several weeks to organize the trip to Thai, ...

2013-01-02 12:55:04


【獎】第300000造訪者獎獎獎獎~~應該幾天內會出現, 請這位造訪者提供 Prt Sc的JPG檔案(全頁桌面複製) 寄到verajypon@gmail.com 來找版僕WitchVera領取獎品一份!! 【獎】第288,888獎獎獎獎~~應該兩天內會出現, 請這位...

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