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2013-09-29 19:05:15
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2013-09-14 16:13:06

Canada Trip_Year 2000

是阿~ 學生們還有上班族都非常開心下周四天假期, 其實少數公司不明說但今天其實沒上班, 晚上參加一場反核座談, 在中壢市所以要出門了~初次(Year 2000)到加拿大時由溫哥華入境(LAX出境, 先拜訪過當時美西公司同仁及其...

2013-09-12 15:13:46

【Canada Trip】Day 12 Toronto

【Canada Trip】Day 12 Toronto & Day 14 Taipei 12月6日清晨約莫五點多起來後, 收拾好行李並簡單打扮自己, 決定逛逛市區周邊, 接近聖誕節了, 又未到上班時間的街景該是如何呢? 全球第五大城的樣貌且讓...

2013-09-12 14:45:11

【Canada Trip】Day 7~12 Winnipeg MB to Toronto

【Canada Trip】Day 7~12 Winnipeg MB to Toronto【Canadatrip】Day7~12_Toronto to Winnipeg MB_II -WitchVera的...mypaper.pchome.com.tw/whitegoose/post/1324450528‎前述連結裡已經結束Winnipeg的行程,並且搭灰...

2013-09-09 17:56:19

【0908】for Scani_3 of 3

【0908】for Scani_3 of 3Since I’ve already arrived in Tainan, Taiwan, I took every chance and every minute to try the dishes. And, it’s a wedding that Scani and Kenny, the new-wed couple, prepared f...

2013-09-09 17:16:07

【0908】for Scani_2 of 3

【0908】for Scani_2 of 3The photos that Scani's family members (or friends) took as underneath:And, I'm supposed that's a part of the photos they took. Also, prepared avideo on youtube shall be upload...

2013-09-09 16:45:54

【0908】for Scani_1 of 3

【0908】for Scani_1 of 3Scani, who is a little girl lives in Tainan,Taiwan. I met her in Winnipeg, MB CANADA on February 2002. It looks like asunny smile always on her face, especially when the jokes ...

2013-09-09 16:00:02

【0908】for Emma

【0908】for Emma Emma, who is a little girl from Tinan, Taiwan, I met her in Winnipeg, MB CANADA on March 2002. I’m so impressed about her voice and cute face. I guess, Emma could be 19 or maybe...

2013-07-10 15:25:28

本宮乏了 朕知道了

今早(7/10)騎上my little maverick 的”跑車型咖打掐”, 沿路由中壢民族路六段騎到觀音鄉新坡(觀音國中), 再去吳家厝楊家莊, 沿路回到新坡; 然後又去林家古厝與鍾家農場, 還有青林農場, 都是新坡的哥嫂介紹的景...

2013-06-30 22:06:28

Alone Wolf

↑Wolf.jpg free download via youtube.The wolf, he came from a forest farnorth, always is alone and crying at midnight.He walked across the street and run intoher at the corner about 10am in the mornin...

2013-06-29 13:48:29


↑P1040261a.jpg 砂子姐與幾位和藹鄉親們~桃園縣新屋鄉的永安漁港, 對您而言, 有著什麼樣的記憶或是悸動嗎?砂子姊和女兒玉米老師Jill Chiu 說明一定待到活動最後收拾完成才離開,玉米老師抱著的小籠包, 時而乖巧...

2013-06-16 16:21:31


10236.jpgFather’s Day is just around the corner! Daughters, what do you love and cherish most about dear old dad? In a special Father's Day gallery, LIFE.com applauds that unique familial bond with t...

2013-06-14 15:11:50


【MIT】珍愛藻礁˙觀新愛璽 ↑ 931317.jpgThose sand-ball were actually made by Scopimera, which is located in Yungan, Taoyuan county, Taiwan. It’s pretty much worth to take a shot on the sea shore ther...

2013-06-04 21:54:54

【0604 網摘新聞】無力 無奈 且無言

【CNA小編報頭條】2013年6月4日,今天你選哪一報?自由:鹿谷國中校舍位移傾斜成危樓 震出豆腐渣工程。http://www.cna.com.tw/News/FirstNews/201306030048-1.aspx中時:網友抨擊 維基百科抗議 業者施壓 封鎖境外侵權...

2013-05-30 12:55:20


【轉載分享】您一定要看不論是好友、 網友還是路過, 務必分別點選如下連結,三篇作品分別取材自中央通訊社、 及商業週刊的網路文章(抱歉,沒圖沒音樂), 因為版僕WitchVera真的什麼都寫不出來了。I. 5月3日,在沒有...

2013-05-13 21:01:40

【Canada trip】Day 7~12_Toronto to Winnipeg MB_II

P1030886_1.jpgP1030899_1.jpg地上積雪雖不深 但恰好下起雪了希望片片雪花看來還算清楚加拿大內陸比較乾而雪又異常的白

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