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2011-04-18 08:15:01| 人氣183| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Phil's biggest day

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Just got an email from Lau-phil.

"The CLA Office of Information Technology announces the retirement of long-time University 
employee, Phil Voxland, effective June 2011.  Phil has worked at the University of Minnesota 
in the College of Liberal Arts for 40 years and has affiliations with many departments.  
CLA-OIT, the Department of History, and the Minnesota Population Center invite you to a 
retirement party to celebrate Phil's career at the U.

    When:  Monday, April 25th from 3 PM to 5 PM
    Where: 1210 Heller Hall (West Bank)
    What: A chance to thank Phil for his time in CLA and enjoy some food and drink"


I wish I could be there with him.

Ely Cabin 20110416


Ely Cabin 20110410

台長: Dreamer
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