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2006-02-17 19:21:24| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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在這樣寂靜寒冷的夜晚 心神恍惚的我 不知為什麼總是一個心像擺鐘ㄧ樣 晃盪不定 東搖西擺 南走北想 第一次感到那麼晃神 甚至自己在什麼世界 似乎也遺忘了 頭昏又腦脹的複雜心情 在我心裡是不是有個你在作怪 是不是因為思念累積而成的遊晃 我… 是不是戀愛了? 是不是又陷進了你愛的懷抱 是不是想跟你在一起了? 我…怎麼了~? Love is one thing very trouble ! 想去找你 看看你 可是我卻沒有那樣的勇氣 很想被他看見 又很害怕讓他看見 真是矛盾
也許感情就是那麼複雜 或許沒有 ~

Love is one thing very trouble ! how I want to quit it , but it is so difficult for me . Because there no medicine to salve me out to love you so deeply in any way ~ Do you know sometimes I cry a lot , only because I miss you so much , it is so pain ~ very pain and pain ~ for me ~

I think you will understand in one day ~ The love to like in any result and no respond ~ every day miss you all day to night ~ but all I can to do seem I lonely to speak by myself ~ maybe is really hard for you to image my feelings , or you know ……is only something stops you in your mind …….

However every time missing you , I seem have no word to say more , only I can tell you is I really love you . I really very worried about you , specially your health , so ~ today morning the thing I give you , it is I want you stay security every moment . I hope you no will angry with me , can you ? I really fell very afraid to hurt you , not only because you are the most love baby I love , but also I can not live without you .

台長: 可愛的寶寶
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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