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2005-01-15 00:22:30| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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she is the flame, and she is the blame.
she is the gain, and she is the pain
she's running, she's searching
through all the golden mountains.
she's aching, she's waiting
for the one could really be sure
She's trying, she's collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She's taking and she's dancing
with the devils rushing away.
She is my name, and she is my pain.
She is my fame, and she is my gain.
She's running, she's searching
through all the golden mountains.
She's aching, she's waiting
for the one could really be sure.
She's trying, she's collecting
all the diamonds in the street.
She's taking and she's dancing
with the devils rushing away.

T17/Meow Meow Meow[The best is yet to come現場演唱版]

永遠有一個吻未嘗 有些燭光未燃亮
若愛太苦要落糖 結它斷線亦無恙
To hug someone to kiss someone
The best is yet to come
若要錯失永不能守 得到也不代表長久
假使快樂有盡頭 痛苦也未會不朽
寂寞半點假如不能承受 這生命注定過得不易
笑與淚 亦有時候
To hug someone to kiss someone
The best is yet to come
若你說不再聽情歌 不想再經歷這漩渦
假使抱住你拳頭 到底也沒法牽手
就是為了追求一時平靜 將感情隔離半點感動都扼殺
沒法承受 永遠有不妥協傷口 有些憾事不放手
若你太刻意淡忘 越會補不到缺口
Why don't you just hug someone just kiss someone
The best is yet to come

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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