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2005-03-18 16:49:52| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Apple Chocolate Bread

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Bread Flour 150g

Sugar 30g

Egg Yolk 1

Butter 10g

Dry Yeast 2tp

Water 75g

Milk Powder 6g

Custer Powder 4g

Apple Chocolate (Please refer to here APPLE CHOCOLATE)


1. Put all ingredients into bread machine except apple chocolate and choose "DOUGH" function.

2. Once the Dough is formed, divide the dough with 50g each (I got 7 this time).

3. Roll it and put some apple chocolate into the centre of dough (I have melt some chocolate and added into the apple chocolate so that it wont be too dry and can fully mix together) and wrap it.

4. Let it stays for another hour until the size is double.

5. Bake it at about 200C for 20 mins.

台長: 尚未設定
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