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2008-06-23 00:20:00| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

’Cos baby I will wait for you

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Haha, G & I were talking bout how we missed being kids.
Swimming everyday, painting our nails, Bear Bear, Minnie (No idea where she’s gone to) and Hippo :D
Hahaha really miss those moments :l
Anyways G, when I get back, we’ll go be kids again k : DDD
Plus GW this time tho :P
&Clara and FCs -.-

Went to Macs for breakfast today :D
Didn’t really feel like eating after watching Supersize Me -.-
Mom dragged me to the market with her after that
Saw Kevin Wang and Alex there, haha!
Then after that got dragged to Vanguard where I saw Grace and her mom haha!
Grace was just like: HAHA! DS!
’Cos I was playing my bro’s DS the whole time, hahaha
Met my bros and Dad later and they went to do something to do the DS -.-
Anyways, after I got home, Loh Jun came over

At first we were supposed to do the debate stuff
Then we started ordering my school uniform -.-
Talked about stuff toooooo lahhh :D
Then after that we ate red bean soup and played Wii :D
After I had to do Josh’s chinese blog, Loh Jun started playing Kung Fu Panda
She said its fun -shrugs-
Walked her home after that
The rain was like, freaking heavy ><
Ahh I still love rain ^^
Then for like 3 seconds each time I stood in the rain without the umbrella xD
Damned shiok lahhhhh!
Loh Jun refused to join me ’cos she was sick -.-

Went home and continued using the comp then went for Dinner.
My dad’s freaking unreasonable k please.

Anyways, today was pretty okay ^^

(okay more on the birthday thing on the next post ><)

台長: #-SARAH
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