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2008-08-15 22:14:39| 人氣248| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Today was niceee :D

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Pretty pretty Seaworld [:
Misss Gold Coastttt ahhhhhhh!! ]':

Laughing like hell now ‘cos of Mom’s swan shirt-.-
Damned funny
‘Cos that day at I.P. Zone the shirts were like, 2 for 20 bucks or something
So I chose my shirt and for some reason she ended up with some swan shirt
Then she keeps blaming me and stuff but its bloody hilarious hahahhaa

Went to the library today
Then borrowed tons of books
2 Gossip Girl ones and 4 Truth, Dare, Kiss or Promise books [[:
I’m totallyyyy addicted to Gossip Girl omg omg omg :D
Hahahah mm then cabbed to Sushi Tei with family to eat lunch and then went shopping after that
Then OMG DAMNED coincidental Haowei texted me and said he was in Taka toooooo OMG OMG OMG
Then started texting him like don’t know what then he went to Paragon and I er went to Zara
Bought a lime green shirt thereee :D

Mm then went to Wisma to continue looking for shoes but they were like all hideous -.-
Gosh can’t stand it
The ones in Aust are really prettyyy tho [[:
Mom bought a Forever 21 dress.
Mm then went to Isetan Scotts and Tangs

The new Muschino perfume smells REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD OMG OMG OMG
And the new Nina perfume is nice too [[:
I like perfumes now hahahah
Mom doesn’t want to buy for me tho ‘cos she says its super ex -.-

OH OH OH anddddd Singapore’s finally gonna’ get a medal in the Olympics [[:
Hope it’s a Gold :D
Yayeeee hahaha
Okay happy today I guess, tmr’s gonna’ be quite a long day hahaha
Still miss Angelaaa ]:
And the 10 o’clock show is one now, yayeee! [:

台長: #-SARAH
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此分類下一篇:Omg omg omg I miss geraldine and keify :/
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