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2008-08-16 23:50:08| 人氣266| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Omg omg omg I miss geraldine and keify :/

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Keify looks bloody cute in that pic omg can't stand it.

Hahha today was really fun :D
Met Song Jin and Shawn at Clementi MRT there then after a whole lot of confusion and some newspaper buying, we crossed the road to take the bus to West Coast Park
Then er… I dunnoe can’t remember, we went to Macs, climbed the Pyramid, and Omg we got to the top :D, ummm went on the flying fox thing…
Then started to take pictures of me there too -.-
This kind of people also got one..
Wahloa man….
Umm after a hell lot of I don’t know what, we went to eat lunch :D
And Song Jin started stealing my money……
After that, went to walk around and went to the jetty, then Song Jin told me the Grade 9 stuff
Omg it sounds very #$^#%&^&$@$@$#%$ if you get what I mean….
I totally know I’ll work harder kkkkkk.
And then Song Jin brought us to buy assessment books so we took 176 to Jurong East

Walked to Popular then started choosing all sorts of books -.-
Bought a Geog and Chem book……..
Hopefully…. I’ll understand it…
Song Jin bought an engligh vocab book I think
And Shawn bought his printer ink, hahahha

After that…. Song Jin tried to drag me up his train -.-
But I escaped, hahaha
Then went home, shower and stuff, then cabbed to Ang Mo Kio with family for dinnerr
So many of them went omg -.-
Even Jerome’s girlfriend, hahaha
But Kenneth had to study the whole while so sad
The food wasn’t good tho :/
Mmm after awhile we all started playing games.
I was playing City Bloxx on Gerald’s phone,
Keith was playing tennis on my phone,
Sam was playing tennis on my mom’s phone,
Gerald was playing the DS
No idea what Sean did tho, think he went to sleep -.-

Hahhaha then when we said bye Gerald hugged me like so much then she was all, ‘k bye keith’ to keith.
Found it damned hilarious xD
Texted Keify in the cab, then ‘cos they were sending my gran home, we met again -.-
And omg can I cannot believe Kelly’s 149cm only omg omg omg :/
Ahhh good luck ahhhh
I’m like, ummmmm about 15 cm taller than her tho shes what, 6 years older than meeeee
Ahhh Kelly, must grow!
Made Keith send me an awfully cute pic of him HAHHA
Okay love you Geraldineeee and Keifyy!! [[[:
And Angelaaaaa reply my emaillll ><
And I forgot to give Shawn his nerds.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

台長: #-SARAH
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