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2010-04-27 22:30:23| 人氣95| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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sometimes i forgot what does it like to be hurt.

but when it cms, it drags you down.

sometimes i feel shocked when i be loved since it hvnt felt for years.


sometimes i still jealous people hving sweet life.

but i still told my sis not to jealous ppl becoz...

even perfect person with perfect life has unperfect timing.


if we do jealous on people. y cant we be the one to let people to jealous?



i forgot some feelings that i supposed to know how they feel.


im still like few years ago.

still escape when im not okay.

......so..does it mean...i hvnt grown up yet since few years ago?


...this feeling sux! ...

so disappinted to mysef.

mayb...this is jst the way i deal wif my emotions.....

bt it sux!

台長: mINDy
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The one who cared U much
First of all,
I'll always be ur harbour of refuge.

Don't escape when facing something need to be conquer.
Coz I am here for U.

And one thing to correct ur mind.
The years u passed,
That's call suffering.But not growing.
The real growing might be in happy hours.
Just like what we've done.isn't it!:")

Shake ur buttocks.Just put them down.
Only by Looking forward could u find me.

Cheering up for my sweetie.
U can do everythings.
Coz of that
We are the world.

Baby,Ur smell is uncomparable,
sinking both of we in time tunnel.
As the time we wake up,
We find each and nothing else.
Finally,we created a fastasy world.
Named "Sweetest Fairy tale of Us"
2010-05-01 00:55:46
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