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051704 New Mark@Commencement

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Hi !,


走在UPenn Franklin Field
(http://www.upenn.edu/admissions/tour/tourstop.php?stop=10) 的田徑跑道上,來美國念一年LL.M.(法學碩士)的馬克要畢業了,與其說畢業是學業的結束,不如說是另一段旅程的開始(commencement)! 只是該奔向何方?

May 17 2004 是UPenn第248屆畢業典禮(commencement) (http://www.upenn.edu/commencement/).

早上8點45分畢業生集合在Locust Walk與39St.風笛聲一響,一群人按各學院浩浩盪盪前往Franklin Field出發,在這段Procession路上,還有校長,教授,校友,及U2 主唱Bono在兩旁夾道祝賀.

畢業典禮會場,人山人海,面對來著蘇格蘭群的吉米,來自台灣的馬克忘記把卡門的行頭帶來,只能學費城洛基,揮舞雙拳.這都是為了歡迎今天的畢業致詞(commencement address)特別來賓: U2 主唱Bono(http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/05/17/life.bono.reut/index.html),他還獲頒榮譽法學博士學位(degree of Doctor of Laws).

他說他常break the law竟還獲頒榮譽”法學”博士學位,而且也沒念過大學,其實能接受榮譽法學”學士”學位就很好了.
他期勉大家”If you want to save the age, betray it”,就好像五十年前的今天,最高法院在”Brown vs. Board of Education”案中背離 ”separate but equal”的當代傳統,而宣佈公立學校種族隔離政策違憲
他要大家關心非洲貧窮問題, Africa needs not charity, but justice. It's cheaper than fighting wave after wave of the terrorists' new recruits.
他認為America is not a country, but an idea that everything could be possible!
致詞完畢, Bono獲得會眾如雷的掌聲!

校長Rodin女士(http://www.upenn.edu/president/rodin/),也獲頒榮譽法學博士學位, 她是Ivy League八所大學裡第一位女校長,今年是任期的第十年,她也要畢業了.記得數週前,馬克遇見親和力超讚的她,竟慌張地不知手要往哪裡擺呢.

畢業典禮就在校歌The Red And Blue歌聲中結束:
Come all ye loyal classmen now
In hall and campus through,
Lift up your hearts and voices
For the Royal Red and Blue
Fair Harvard has her crimson
Old Yale her colors too,
But for dear Pennsylvania
We wear the Red and Blue.
Refrain: Hurrah, hurrah Pennsylvania!
Hurrah for the Red and the Blue!
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah, hurrah,
Hurrah for the Red and Blue!

從今天起,馬克多了一個身分:UPenn Alumnus!


New Mark@Penn Law

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