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2003-05-28 02:03:37| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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MsgPlus 太妙了!

yeah right 說:

woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i just watched Friends
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
this course thing is giving me stress...
yeah right 說:
will let u then?
woopeekushee 說:
no no
woopeekushee 說:
not important chat
yeah right 說:
when dose this course thing start?
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i have to decide soon
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
when's the deadline?
woopeekushee 說:
i was saying, my parent's didn't really object, although my mum isn't too happy anout me looking for work there after tt
woopeekushee 說:
since this kind of thing doesn't really have a future here
woopeekushee 說:
i'm waiting for the formal offer...so will have to reply soon after that
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
when did u apply?
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i applied for the 4 yr phd they were giving pretty good sholarship program
yeah right 說:
there was new on refugee in nottingham
woopeekushee 說:
but er...i didn't get that and so they recomend me to do this instead which is similar to the 1st year phd
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
what's the scholarship like?
woopeekushee 說:
refugee? notts?
yeah right 說:
from iran?
woopeekushee 說:
about 15k stipend per year for 4 yrs
yeah right 說:
they don't wanna get sent back to their country
woopeekushee 說:
and u get to do 3 mini lab rotations before deciding on your phd research
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah..and it's open to everybody tt's why i applied
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
but there were only 8 places lah for tt
yeah right 說:
so.. go for it ah
woopeekushee 說:
the msc? i dunno..it's expesnive to msc in ucl loh
woopeekushee 說:
and i'm not sure if i can get a good job with it after
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i dunno
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
r u still in CITI?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
any news from the boss?
woopeekushee 說:
the female?
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
she's still the same..
yeah right 說:
yeah.. i guessed so
yeah right 說:
it's ok
yeah right 說:
without relationship we can still survive
woopeekushee 說:
of course
woopeekushee 說:
did i tell u i had a date with a 37 yr old man
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
who is that?
woopeekushee 說:
ahahah...he's the singer/songwriter who produced the show i played in
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
he seems really nice and we met up for chat and drinks loh
yeah right 說:
ok? and that was called a date?
woopeekushee 說:
i think he's just joking when he said a 'date' la
yeah right 說:
umm.. he is interested in u?
woopeekushee 說:
more like casual chat
yeah right 說:
oho ok
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
kiss goodbye?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah...but on the cheeks ..like what friends do?
woopeekushee 說:
he must think i'm strange
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
but then again, so is he hahaha
yeah right 說:
is he married?
woopeekushee 說:
he's divorced with 2 kids
yeah right 說:
no wonder u went out for the date?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
are the kids with the mum?
woopeekushee 說:
i thought he
woopeekushee 說:
he's a very interesting guy
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
and he'scoming out with an album soon so i wanted to talk to him abt it
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
good looking?
woopeekushee 說:
besides i tihnk he's gonna be famous soon haha
yeah right 說:
nice fingers?
woopeekushee 說:
very thin
woopeekushee 說:
never looked
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
never looked where?
woopeekushee 說:
fingers la
yeah right 說:
umm.. interestug
yeah right 說:
oh ok
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
tt's him haha
yeah right 說:
would u?..
yeah right 說:
u know
yeah right 說:
wa ha ha
woopeekushee 說:
? i don't think so!
woopeekushee 說:
but u know..i'm oddly attracted to him
woopeekushee 說:
not physically
woopeekushee 說:
but maybe because i admire musicians hahaha
yeah right 說:
does he smell?
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
he smokes damn a lotg
yeah right 說:
ok, that's compatible with u?
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
haha very funny
yeah right 說:
bad joke
woopeekushee 說:
i'm trying not to smoke a lot
yeah right 說:
good girl
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
another pic but looks ugly
yeah right 說:
u'll get a lollipop next time we meet
yeah right 說:
he looks old
woopeekushee 說:
yeah...he is haha
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
37 i think
yeah right 說:
oh ok
yeah right 說:
it's ok what
yeah right 說:
that old guy i was seeing is 37, too
woopeekushee 說:
maybe 38 this year
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
u know what
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i think aged guy are more easily attrated to me
woopeekushee 說:
why do u think so?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
that's so true!
woopeekushee 說:
there have been more than this 37yo guy u told me abt??
yeah right 說:
there is a middle aged man who's super nice to me
yeah right 說:
but because he is married
yeah right 說:
he is juts very nice to me
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
too nice to be a friend?
yeah right 說:
he is wat, 45?
woopeekushee 說:
maybe see u as a doughter?

yeah right 說:
err no?
yeah right 說:
his eldest child is 13
yeah right 說:
two kids
yeah right 說:
but maybe i think too much
yeah right 說:
maybe he is naturally so nice loh
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
it was just slightly weired how he text msged he was sad that he didn't have time to have a drink with me
yeah right 說:
he went "cry cry"
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
tt's strange for a 45yo man to say
yeah right 說:
is was bizzar
yeah right 說:
yeah ha
woopeekushee 說:
to a girl
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
and the last time we had a drink
yeah right 說:
the weekend b4 last one
yeah right 說:
in order to stop me from smoking, he took the cig from my hand and smoked it himself
yeah right 說:
it's either it doens't mean anything to him, or it does?
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
wow...how caring haha
yeah right 說:
i wouldn't do that unless i really like a person, or close to that person
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
that's what i think loh
woopeekushee 說:
how did u know him ?
yeah right 說:
and i saw cointreau on the bar and show that to him because that's what i ordered the other time
yeah right 說:
and he took it as i wanted to have some
yeah right 說:
and offered to open a bottle there
woopeekushee 說:
ah...want to get u drunk>
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
no, in some pubs u can open a bottle of spirit, ti's cheaper that way
yeah right 說:
u don't have to finish it at once
woopeekushee 說:
yeah i know it's the same here
yeah right 說:
they will keep it for u there
woopeekushee 說:
maybe he wants to keep coming back with u haha
yeah right 說:
so later i had a cocktail of cointreau, and it was so much like orange sorbet
yeah right 說:
and he just tried some from the very same spoone
yeah right 說:
but he is like that, there was once i went there with daphne and him
yeah right 說:
she wanted to have some johnny walker, he also opened a bottle there.
yeah right 說:
she said that he wear the suit very well
yeah right 說:
that she can't tell what kind of person he is, apart from he is very nice and gentle
yeah right 說:
umm, r u still here?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
reading what you wrote
yeah right 說:
daphne has a thing with him, she doens't trust him, because he is a guy, hahahahahhaha
yeah right 說:
so she thinks that he flirts with me
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
even though he is my teacher
yeah right 說:
i must have told u about him
woopeekushee 說:
sometimes 3rd party can see things better
yeah right 說:
yeah, that's also true
woopeekushee 說:
erm...is he the dj?
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
tt's another one??
yeah right 說:
the dj is the 13 floor guy
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
oo..so 2 so far ya?

woopeekushee 說:
got to keep track of all your ehem....
woopeekushee 說:
potential lovers ;P
yeah right 說:
yeah right!
woopeekushee 說:

yeah right 說:
it's dangersous loh u knoow
woopeekushee 說:
and one very young but willing
yeah right 說:
only if i wasn't such a nice person
woopeekushee 說:
u are? hahaha
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i would just have an affair with my teacher!!
yeah right 說:
oh surely i am in this case!
woopeekushee 說:
oh what the hell u only live once
woopeekushee 說:

woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
oh the very young but willing
yeah right 說:
is very very willing!
woopeekushee 說:
do u think u will?
woopeekushee 說:
i think they call it a 'fuck friend'?
yeah right 說:
and my teacher was concerned about this
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah, pao io, in cantonese
woopeekushee 說:
wow i've never heard it in cantonese
yeah right 說:
bed mate
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
ooo ic
yeah right 說:
i give private class to a 3-year-old girl
yeah right 說:
she is very funny
woopeekushee 說:
i'm hungry
yeah right 說:
also her younger brother who can't talk yet
yeah right 說:
i am not but wannting to eat
woopeekushee 說:
3 yr old taking tuitino? wow
yeah right 說:
i am having trouble teaching her very ABC
yeah right 說:
she can't concertate at all
woopeekushee 說:
quite young la..maybe just play with her haha
yeah right 說:
and she would tunr round and say"ok, let me show you, tell me how do you say this" and point to the book
yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:
her mum pay me 6 pounds a hour, i can't just mess around with her?
woopeekushee 說:
so clever
yeah right 說:
like today, her mum was telling me how chubby she is, and i asked her if she was chubby
yeah right 說:
she went" u and u all saying me being chubby, so inpol;ite!)
yeah right 說:
kids nowadays..
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
they're getting very clever at younger age
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i've taken 4 days of medical leave this mth haha
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i lost u here
woopeekushee 說:
sick leave from work
yeah right 說:
oh oh ic
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
when r u quitting?
woopeekushee 說:
when i'm certain i'm going to do this msc thing aaargh
woopeekushee 說:

yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i guess it
woopeekushee 說:
part of my hesitance is how expensive it will be
woopeekushee 說:
cuz i think my sis wants to go back to studying as well
woopeekushee 說:
and it seems unfair tt i get to
yeah right 說:
tha'ts so true
yeah right 說:
has she applied anywhere yet?
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
she's working with my parents
woopeekushee 說:
she's ore helpful to their business than i am u see
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
have u talke d to her about this?
yeah right 說:
about what u think
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i am still online
yeah right 說:
r u?
woopeekushee 說:
sorry the idiot compf roze
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
have u talke d to her about this?
yeah right 說:
about what u think
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i am still online
yeah right 說:
r u?

woopeekushee 說:
froze had to reboot


i am still online

r u?

woopeekushee 說:
i was saying. my sis did say tt i should pay back my mum sinceit
woopeekushee 說:
it's postrgraduate
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
since it's postgrad
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
like how much?
woopeekushee 說:
like however much i use la
woopeekushee 說:
the fees itself is 13k
yeah right 說:
later or at time?
woopeekushee 說:
doesn't matter i suppose
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
so it's ok then?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah? i dunno...i think she thinks it's unfair
yeah right 說:
so uhave 2000left
woopeekushee 說:
cuz she told my mum she wants to study as well and i mum got angry
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
it's difficult
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
u have scholarship 15000
woopeekushee 說:
no i don't!
woopeekushee 說:
i didn't get it la
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
oh ok
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i applied for it but i didn't get it
yeah right 說:
i though u did
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
then maybe.. u wanna think about it
yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:
i thought u did!!
yeah right 說:
and was so happy for u
woopeekushee 說:
god if i had the scholarship i woudn't think anyrthing
woopeekushee 說:
i'd just go
yeah right 說:
yeah loh
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
tha's what i thought
woopeekushee 說:
maybe 'll get a loan or something
woopeekushee 說:
but i don't know if it's worth doing tt
yeah right 說:
as long as u think it is, then it is
yeah right 說:
what the hell, we only live once
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
and it's a much more right thing than me having affair with a married man
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah...i just don't want to spend the rest ofd my life having to repay the loan cuz i can't find a well paying job
woopeekushee 說:
u are??
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
u said what?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
umm, than if i was
yeah right 說:
is that better?
woopeekushee 說:
ooo ok
yeah right 說:
it's a really mean thing to do right?
woopeekushee 說:
how's work anyway?
yeah right 說:
oh that
yeah right 說:
i quit already
yeah right 說:
didn't u know?
woopeekushee 說:
dental one?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i left long ago leh
yeah right 說:
about two weeks already
yeah right 說:

woopeekushee 說:
tt's not long
yeah right 說:
well, it seems so to me
woopeekushee 說:
haven't talked to u since then la
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
that's right
woopeekushee 說:
why did u leave?
yeah right 說:
i was annoyed
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
the boss?

yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i was ill
yeah right 說:
so took two days off
yeah right 說:
then u know the SARS thing
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
everyone was worried
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
it makes perfect sense
yeah right 說:
i was off work Fri and Sat
yeah right 說:
she called on Sun to see how i was
yeah right 說:
because we were having a call conference on Mon
yeah right 說:
i told her i still feel bad from time to time
yeah right 說:
but i'd still go in on Mon since it's important
yeah right 說:
but she said but everygbody was concerned
yeah right 說:
so maybe it's better if i don't go in too soon
yeah right 說:
so taht she said we had to cancel the meeting if i couldn't go in
yeah right 說:
i offered to go in despite the fact that i wasn't feeling too well
yeah right 說:
and she told me not to and still hold me responsible for the need the cancelling the meeting?!
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
tt's not right
yeah right 說:
i told her, it's not that i cnouldn't but u didn't want me to, isn't that correct?
yeah right 說:
she went, oh yeah, ok.
yeah right 說:
then that was that for that sunday
yeah right 說:
the next day she called again in the morining
yeah right 說:
said: i think u still better come in, we can't keep poseponding it
yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:
that was when i snapped
yeah right 說:
i told her: u told me not to come then i don't, u tell me to come in then i shold?
yeah right 說:
it doens't work like that
yeah right 說:
i quit
yeah right 說:
that was that loh
woopeekushee 說:
there and then?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
the call went on for another hour
yeah right 說:
her husband also got on the phone
yeah right 說:
the they wanted me to go in the office to talk it though
yeah right 說:
so i went at 7pm
yeah right 說:
he then told me the reason he wanted me to go in that night was because they still haven't cancel the conference yet
yeah right 說:
i told him that there is no way i would do it them
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
blah blah blah
yeah right 說:
i was there for 2 hours then i left
woopeekushee 說:
so tt's it
woopeekushee 說:
didn't went back gain
yeah right 說:
things weren't too bad then, they also asked me to take a few days off and carry on working for them
yeah right 說:
but i refused
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
it was already looking ugly, why going back?
yeah right 說:
i mean, though we all talked it over, bust still
yeah right 說:
we all have feelings
woopeekushee 說:
yeah...when things turn sour...not good
woopeekushee 說:
well, u had a few free trips around the world with them heheh
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
oh? thought at least 2
yeah right 說:
the usa one was cancelled due to SARS
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
and that's why we were having the conference call instead
woopeekushee 說:
still good
woopeekushee 說:
so u gonna look for another job? or do something else
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
we really haven't talked for a l;ong time
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i am going to take computer programming course soon, starting next week
yeah right 說:
for 900 hours
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
lasting thoughg til November
woopeekushee 說:
this is not the vb one right?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
it ended already
yeah right 說:
it's goona be java
woopeekushee 說:
wooo cool
woopeekushee 說:
was this your idea?

yeah right 說:
so now i only do private classes loh
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
so u think u gonna go into it stuff next time?
yeah right 說:
i had just fond another one today
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
donno leh
woopeekushee 說:
another class?
yeah right 說:
i'll see how htis one goes
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
this one is gonna be 8 hours a week
yeah right 說:
6 pounds a hour, so that would give me nearly 50 pounds a week
yeah right 說:
200 a month
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
enpugh for eating?
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
for me la...i dunno abt u haha
yeah right 說:
yeah loh
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i don't pay when i go to pubs
yeah right 說:
they pay for it, haha
woopeekushee 說:
al men?
yeah right 說:
yeah ha
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah tt's good
yeah right 說:
i only go to pubs with him
woopeekushee 說:
which him
yeah right 說:
once or twich a month loh
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
my teacher ah
woopeekushee 說:

yeah right 說:
nah, with him we go to motels, ahaha
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
45 is kinda old! does he look old?
yeah right 說:
i went with 37 once to the motel, very interesting
woopeekushee 說:
yeah u told me
yeah right 說:
70pounds for 12 hours!!
woopeekushee 說:
u slept there
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeeah, that was what
woopeekushee 說:
sounds more like a hotel than a motel
yeah right 說:
45 looks late 30s
yeah right 說:
but it was a drive-in, surely motel ah
woopeekushee 說:
ic ..maybe at tt age their wife looks undersireable so they lok for younger women
yeah right 說:
that's a vrey common wxcuse
woopeekushee 說:
very expensive motel
yeah right 說:
but it shouldn't be any excuse ah
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
it's what it is..an excuse
yeah right 說:
nah, u see, that's why i call myself a nice girl at this point!
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i meant excuse for him..nothing to do with u la
yeah right 說:
the thing is, i wouldn't allow it ah
woopeekushee 說:
as you shouldn;'t...of course not
yeah right 說:
yeah loh
yeah right 說:
but i can feel how easily it can be done
yeah right 說:
u know, a near prefect lover
woopeekushee 說:
how do u know if you've crossed the line?
yeah right 說:
when i initiate anything from my side ah
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i dunno...ask u ma
yeah right 說:
i donno neither
yeah right 說:
but it's sad if u think about it
yeah right 說:
if that's true
yeah right 說:
then only ppl who is interested in me would be nice to me
yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:

woopeekushee 說:
yeah i've thought abt tt too
woopeekushee 說:
although some ppl are generally nicer than others
yeah right 說:
so i 'd rather not think that way
yeah right 說:
it's like, he is nice to both me and another student of his
yeah right 說:
also a girl, vivian
yeah right 說:
but u can tell that he is much nicer to me
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
so that's why daphne donen'st trust him
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i have very few friends
woopeekushee 說:
u have a few tt's close...tt's all u need right
yeah right 說:
tha'st true
yeah right 說:
but still
woopeekushee 說:
well, i have very few friends as well
yeah right 說:
but then again i think it's my problem feeling left alone all the time
woopeekushee 說:
and u know i never enjoy parties thrown for me
woopeekushee 說:
why u say tt?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
why what?
yeah right 說:
aout lonly?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
yeah, because i feel that way ah
woopeekushee 說:
if it is...then maybe u want to be alone ah?
yeah right 說:
that's 80% true
yeah right 說:
yet still feel sad about it?
yeah right 說:
contradictory ehy?
woopeekushee 說:
not really
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
sometiemns we want to be sad
yeah right 說:
we do?
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i had a dream about hung last night oh
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
then for the whole day i feel like i was a walking torso
yeah right 說:
yeah, again
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
thought of going for therapy?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
tried that
yeah right 說:
useless docrtor
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
he kept saying ti woud be fine when i have a new bf
yeah right 說:

yeah right 說:
i don't knwo what he was thinkg that dox
woopeekushee 說:
aii...dunnila...tt's why i think sometimes all therapist are quacks
yeah right 說:
some times i just wish i could just fuck around u know
yeah right 說:
tell me about that
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
like i wasn't angry with my dad until my councellor told me i was
yeah right 說:
it could be that i didn't realise i was, but still
woopeekushee 說:
i did think of having ons after the j episode
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
it's like she solidise the idea of it
woopeekushee 說:
geez everyone's angry at their parents at some point or other haha
yeah right 說:
my dad used to beat me up
yeah right 說:
like real hard
yeah right 說:
since i was very young
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i know he didn't mean to, buit just his bad temper and also that's they way his dad treat them
woopeekushee 說:
ic ic
yeah right 說:
but my councellor said the anger is embedded in me
yeah right 說:
and i have to learn to let it our
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
throw punches in the air?
yeah right 說:
slap, using a stick to beat all over the body
woopeekushee 說:
huh strange
woopeekushee 說:
he/she devised this method?
yeah right 說:
once he picked me up from my bed and threw me on the floor
yeah right 說:
no, ti's common in taiwan?
woopeekushee 說:
oh u mean your dad
woopeekushee 說:
yeah right 說:
i mean the stick thing, sometimes they use hangers
woopeekushee 說:
ok ok
yeah right 說:
oh oh that
yeah right 說:
she didn't tell me how, or she did but i can't remember?
yeah right 說:
i am losing my focus, really sleepy leh
yeah right 說:
and u r the one who has to work tomorrow
yeah right 說:
i thnk we should cut it here
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
woopeekushee 說:
i think i should sleep too
yeah right 說:
nitenite loh
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
woopeekushee 說:
ok ttyl
woopeekushee 說:
bye bye

台長: lostsoul
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