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2003-05-27 01:53:20| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I know there must be something more than just being nice to me.

u must be attracted to me in some way or other.

that's why u are so sweet, that's why you are so nice, and that's why you are so caring. to me, to me, for me.

it's funny how i can be so sure about this. it's sad the fact that this is actually happening.

it shouldn't have happened, not in any time, nor under any circumstances.

but it is such a fact.

but i can't help but wondering, how could you? how could you let that go on?

i know it's not fair to blame on anybody on having feelings to anybody, because it just happens, but, at the very least u could have tried to stop it. or at least not to let it.

and me? how about me? i odn't know when i am gonna not care for anybody and just go on and have fun, despite the fact that many many people might just get hurt because of my careless fault.

though the responsibility is not mine.

not. at. all.

台長: lostsoul
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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