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2003-10-31 01:24:00


aloha 說: Lynne 說: hold on Lynne 說: heaven 說: here heaven 說: how? Lynne 說: broke up heaven 說: Lynne 說: game pls heaven 邀請您啟動Minesweeper Flags,您要接受 (Alt+C) ...

2003-08-25 23:53:31


mc 說: hi got my e-mail? . . . 說: not yet . . . 說: just . . . 說: not opend yet . . . 說: going to read now . . . 說: ttyl mc 說: k . . . 說: u see! . . ....

2003-08-06 23:49:03


woopeekushee 說: u there Lynne 說: yep Lynne 說: u alright? woopeekushee 說: big prob today Lynne 說: i chated with shawn for a bit Lynne 說: what what what woopeekushee 說: my sister hat...

2003-07-26 10:22:58

my fear。

我惶恐。 已經太久沒有跟自己說話了。 成天只惶惶不可終日,東想西想胡思亂想地。 就這麼地,過著,每一天的那二十四個小時。 存在。 如何向自己證明自己不是虛無地存在,而不只是另一個四處飄蕩的無體幽魂...

2003-07-11 01:39:59


woopeekushee 說: hey.. Who's this? 說: hola Who's this? 說: i am backing up my articles woopeekushee 說: i'm so screwed Who's this? 說: the site i left them is not stable.. Who's this? 說: ...

2003-07-10 20:56:25
2003-06-14 23:22:10


MsgPlus 太妙了! woopeekushee 說: ya lin? sivous 說: ello! woopeekushee 說: heyyyy woopeekushee 說: whatcha doin sivous 說: checking emails sivous 說: bloody busy these days woopeekush...

2003-06-04 01:17:07


Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. woopeekushee says: hi u there? sivous says: hello hello sivous says: me here sivous says: just got ba...

2003-05-28 02:03:37


MsgPlus 太妙了! yeah right 說: woopeekushee 說: hey! yeah right 說: hello yeah right 說: whatchadoing yeah right 說: i just watched Friends woopeekushee 說: chatting.. yeah right 說...

2003-05-27 01:53:20


I know there must be something more than just being nice to me. u must be attracted to me in some way or other. that's why u are so sweet, that's why you are so nice, and that's why you are so c...

2003-05-16 12:06:20


絕對不要在立即訊息交談中公開您的密碼或信用卡號碼。 Helen 說: yeah. I know.. yeah right 說: so, how r u yeah right 說: be careful neh Helen 說: I haven't been out to city for 1 month Helen...

2003-05-02 15:49:44


hung 佔據著最重要的位置,你對 hung 的感覺用 我不愛 這首歌來形容再好不過了。你相信這是上天安排的緣分,因為你深深的愛著 hung 。 對於 tony ,也許是宿命吧,雖然你也喜歡 tony ,但是你們註定不可能在一起,就...

2003-04-29 20:20:31


絕對不要在立即訊息交談中公開您的密碼或信用卡號碼。 sheepy84 說: huuhuu fel rain 說: who is this? sheepy84 說: ich kann keen englisch rain 說: german? sheepy84 說: yes sheepy84...

2003-04-21 16:30:00

c i

絕對不要在立即訊息交談中公開您的密碼或信用卡號碼。 黃山上的凱子 說: 還是在上班嗎 what the fu..k?! 說: 黃山上的凱子 說: 歐 黃山上的凱子 說: 非常想你 what the fu..k?! 說: 說完了 黃山上的...

2003-04-16 02:43:56


絕對不要在立即訊息交談中公開您的密碼或信用卡號碼。 what the fu..k?! 說: lai loi! what the fu..k?! 說: long time no see loi 說: hey! what the fu..k?! 說: how ruuu loi 說: i'm ok ah..worki...

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