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2007-05-09 22:54:42| 人氣8,131| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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my dear mom, today is mother’s day !! i really wanna tell you some true words from my deep mind! thank you taking care me for a long long time!! no matter how tire you are after you off work, you still cooking for me! sometimes i in a bad mood, i’ll yell to you. but you didn’t yell back to me, instead, you comfort me. your love make me feel touched !! i want to tell that i really love you, mom!! happy mother’s day!!
中譯:我親愛ㄉ媽媽,今天是母親節!!我想要對你說些心底話!!謝謝你照顧我那ㄇ久!不管你下班後有多累,你仍然會煮飯給我吃!有些時候我心情不好,會對你很兇,但你不會兇我反而安撫我撫尉我。您ㄉ慈愛真ㄉ讓我好感動!!媽媽~我想要跟你說我真ㄉ好愛你! 祝你母親節快樂!!

台長: ─═ ☆ 心〃空★
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