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2004-03-07 06:10:00| 人氣85| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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There was no distance between you and me,
When our lips met together.

There was no distance between you and me,
When we melted in our love.

There was no distance between you and me,
When our bodies and souls became one.

There was a short distance between you and me,
When we angry with each other.

There was a short distance between you and me,
When we misunderstood with each other.

There was a short distance between you and me,
When we start to feel our own freedom has lost in this relationship.

There was a short distance between you and me,
When we found out there is no love between us.

There is a long distance between you and me,
When we say goodbye to each other and never be together.

The distance will always there between you and me,
No matter how much I loved you.

Hence please please don’t near me,
Let the past be past,
And set me free by keep this distance between you and me.

To C, 6th March 2004

台長: LondonPooh
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