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2008-09-11 14:00:01| 人氣126| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Silent Night

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My dearest Paris,

Sitting in the dark and listen to the Auld Lang Syne, over and over again.
Everything seems stand still, even the time just frozen for that moment.

It brings so many memories back in that city, which we met.
Do you still remember that street corner?
We stood there chatting for ages; there and then we began part of our journey together.

Oh my dearest Paris,
How can we prison our souls even we are not in that city anymore?
In that city, our souls run wide and touch every feeling that our souls passed by.
We shared every thoughts of love together.
Each man we loved, they all left a deep footprint in our hearts & souls.

I thought I have lost my soul already in this soulless life.
But no, my dearest Paris you have brought back my soul.
I am so glad to let my tears come out silently that night.
It feels just like a holy baptise for my soul.

My dearest Paris,
Thank you for release my soul out that night.
As you have said, the love within us is so much more than others,
Hence we desire the sharing feeling of love to others.

My dearest Paris,
In this silent night wish you a sweet dream and
may your soul full of love always…

Sept 2008

Listen Auld Lang Syne @ http://mymedia.yam.com/m/2344389

作詞:Rabbie Burns (1759-96) 作曲:A traditional Scots folk song

Auld Lang Syne 往日美好時光 -《驪歌》
Rabbie Burns (1759-96)

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 豈可忘記舊日的友誼,
And never brought to mind? 怎能不常懷於心?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 豈可忘記舊日的友誼,
For auld lang syne? 及美好的往日

For auld lang syne, my dear, 為了美好往日,親愛的
For auld lang syne, 為了美好往日
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, 親愛的為我們友誼快來乾一杯
For auld lang syne! 為了美好往日

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp, 你飲盡那一杯
And surely I’ll be mine, 我心意確鑿無疑
And we’ll tak a cup o kindness yet, 親愛的為我們友誼快來乾一杯
For auld lang syne! 為了美好往日

For auld lang syne, my dear, 為了美好往日,親愛的
For auld lang syne, 為了美好往日
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, 親愛的為我們友誼快來乾一杯
For auld lang syne! 為了美好往日

We twa hae run about the braes, 我們倆在山坡上奔跑
And pou’d the gowans fine, 那延命菊分外芳香。
And we’ve wander’d monie a weary fit, 但如今我們去流浪,歷盡艱辛直到雙腳疲累
Sin auld lang syne. 再也沒有那好時光。

For auld lang syne, my dear, 為了美好往日,親愛的
For auld lang syne, 為了美好往日
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, 親愛的為我們友誼快來乾一杯
For auld lang syne! 為了美好往日

We twa hae paidl’d in the burn 我們涉溪過水
Frae morning sun till dine, 從日出到斜陽
But seas between us braid hae roar’d 波濤橫亙在眼前
Sin auld lang syne. 再也沒有那好時光。

For auld lang syne, my dear, 為了美好往日,親愛的
For auld lang syne, 為了美好往日
We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, 親愛的為我們友誼快來乾一杯
For auld lang syne! 為過去的好時光。

auld lang syne - times gone by : be - pay for : braes – hills : braid – broad : burn – stream :
dine - dinner time : fiere – friend : fit - foot :gowans – daisies : guid-willie waught - goodwill
drink : monie – many : morning sun – noon : paidl’t – paddled : pint-stowp - pint tankard
pou’d – pulled : twa - two

台長: LondonPooh
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