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2004-03-07 06:45:00| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In your eyes

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In your eyes,
I feel the warmth under your cold cover lie.

In your eyes,
I remember how much we wanted each other in that night.

In your eyes,
I feel your sadness and sorrows which I cannot paint them
from blue to happy white.

In your eyes,
I give my love to you without asking why.

In your eyes,
We see through each other just like the star
shining though cloudy sky.

In your eyes,
I see happiness which brought by her but not by me I never know why.

I avoid your eyes,
Your bluish grey eyes remind me
how painful it is by loving you these days and nights.

Soon when I brave enough,
I will say goodbye when my eyes meet with your eyes.

3rd of March 2004
Saying goodbye to S

台長: LondonPooh
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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