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2018-11-16 11:35:23| 人氣104| 回應0 | 上一篇

Invisible Fall

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Fall in love

My lips never call out your name,
My eyes never met with yours,
My fingers never touch your skin,
My nose never smell your scent,
My body never felt your warm,
To me you are a phantom lingering in my mind at night.
Through your eyes and lens I saw so many stories touch my heart and soul,
Somehow I fall for you like a invisible wind. 
Your world full of  perfect beauty which I will never be,
But I knew my heart and soul can make this world more beautiful. 
From a far distance I can not help and wonder, 
My dearest phantom will we meet one day? 

To M

台長: LondonPooh
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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