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2005-02-25 17:26:19| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I Swear

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I swear by the moon,And the stars in the sky
And I swear like the shadow that’s by your side
I see the questions in your eyes,I know what’s weighing on your mind
You can be sure I know my part
‘Cause I stand beside you through the years
You’ll only cry those happy tears
And though I make mistake,I’ll never break your heart

I’ll be there for better or worse
Till death do us part
I’ll love you with every beat of my heart

I’ll give you everything I can
I’ll build your dreams with these two hands
We’ll hang some memories on the wall
And when just the two of us are there
You won’t have to ask if I still care
‘Cause as the time turns the Page
My love won’t age at all

I swear !

台長: 尚未設定
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