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Journal Alerts - Tuesday 15 June 2004
From Global Family Doctor - Wonca Online

Go to http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/JournalAlerts2004/Jun.htm#15 for today's alerts.
Once there, you can scroll for other alerts.

Journal Watch
Weight reducing drugs are of value in a few, with significant adverse events in many Bandolier
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) probably useful for CHF diagnosis Bandolier
Loss of consciousness and/or amnesia after blunt head trauma in the absence of other clinical findings, are not predictive of traumatic brain injury Pediatrics
Fever, cough, malaise, coryza, sputum production, headache, myalgia, lymphopenia, and elevated LDH common presenting features of SARS in children Pediatrics
Air pollution with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide may be important risk factors for SIDS Pediatrics
Complementary and alternative medicine series Med J Aust

Clinical Reviews
Back pain - clinical assessment Aust Fam Physician
Acute low back pain - assessment and management Aust Fam Physician

Global Daily News
Breaking news from medical news services, posted each weekday.

Coming to the 2004 Wonca Conference in Orlando 13-17 October?

See Wonca Certificate of CME/CPD in Family Medicine

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