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2010-06-06 01:02:08| 人氣225| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

F.R David(張信哲):Girl , You Are My Song

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F.R David(張信哲):Girl , You Are My Song



Girl you are my song
You are the melody
And you're the harmony
Girl you 're in my mind
Spinning around my brain
And I go insane

You light up my life
You make the sunshine
And you keep away the rain
Sweet is your emotion

Girl you are my song
You are the melody
And harmony
Babe you're the only
Music of my life
If it never ends I'll never tired

When you're happy
Makes me feel so good
When you're sad I
Feel the same way too
You are my song

Fly listening to you
Makes me feel so light
You're the one
Who sets me in the sky
You control the rhythm of my heart
And I hope that it will never stop
You are my girl

台長: 吉米布萊特=藍色水銀
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會) | 個人分類: 吉米音樂廳 |

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