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2006-02-11 12:04:32


總覺得當年紀愈大,周遭的人來來去去,愈覺得人與人之間的相處難得。 同事、同學、朋友、師生、姊妹、夫妻、親子。不管是哪一種關係,能夠有很長的緣分在一起相處其實是上輩子修來的福氣。 因為實在很難得。 有...

2006-02-01 10:27:59


以前,當有朋友遠去,我總給予深深的祝福,互道再見。到了美國,我開始學著要坐飛機長途旅行時,周遭的朋友總會給個擁抱,然後祝福旅途平安。Have a safe trip! 我現在對這句話感受很深刻。 坐飛機前,我總是...

2006-02-01 01:42:42


很多人問我,博士班念的東西和先前念的有沒有什麼不一樣? 在我還沒讀之前,我也曾經有過這個疑惑。 那我對於先前的理解和目前的感受到底有沒有差異? 基本上以我現在的體認,走這條路真的辛苦也不容易,甚至超出...

2006-01-18 04:23:03


學期結束,強迫自己暫時抽離這個被英文荼毒的環境。 今天,新的心情踏在Richmond的校園, 周遭不同色系的人種插肩而過。 呵呵,歡迎回到異次元。 真的有到了異次元的感覺!有種熟悉但是又陌生的感覺。 在台灣,...

2006-01-03 12:48:17

Two thousand six

Two thousand six....眼睛盯著這幾個數字 我很熟悉這幾這數字,學期最後選課時,在網站上點過好多次 Spring 2006. 2006 可以預期會有summer 2006、Fall 2006... 在我人生中印象最深刻的Fall 2005竟然就這樣無聲無...

2005-12-17 23:34:48


That day, I try hard to know you. Who are you? I never saw you before. Just like snowflakes falling down You are so beautiful and make me look absent-minded. Standing by the windowside, I canno...

2005-12-17 23:12:07


When I tell people living in VA for a whole life that I never saw snow beofere in Taiwan because if I want to see snow I have to go to Mountain but that’s too cold for me, they can not imainge that. ...

2005-11-07 00:28:19

Once and ever

Once I walk along in the wind slightly as you kiss my face slightly as you were before when the sunshine falls down the enjoyment fulfill my soul because of your deeply bless You like a mild lo...

2005-10-31 03:35:00

Daylight Saving Time

日光節約時間,我沒到美國之前,我從來不瞭解書上講這個名詞到底是什麼。如果我一直都在台灣這個東西也不會增加我的經驗值。我想可能一輩子住在美國的人,也會覺得我很奇怪,竟然不知道日光節約時間。 日光節約時...

2005-10-26 08:56:01

life stuffs- cooking

我從來沒想過我會煮飯。 從小到大,因為是家裡最小,所以煮飯這件事從來不會輪到我,我的工作都是和我四姐一組負責到垃圾、採買;洗碗這件事也不會輪到我,因為笨手笨腳,容易把碗打破。所以大部分時間,我只負責...

2005-10-22 12:54:44

IQ level is not equal to Language level

It is a very funny thing that some day I suddenly figure out the thing happen to me, and that is worthy for me to write it down to memory my personal funny experience of studying aboard at the beginni...

2005-09-28 21:07:57

Always look the bright side

To. hj "Always look the bright side", okay? One friend told me it is a useful way to deal with the difficulties in your life. You know, when you got to meet those shit stuffs you do not like, e...

2005-09-21 12:36:15

Can I survive?

可能年紀越大,就越禁不起挫折。 我記得我好像曾經在哪寫過我學直排滑輪的經驗。我一直學不會這東西。因為我怕摔倒。越怕摔倒,越學不會。如果妳在週末的傍晚坐在科工館那個廣場旁觀察,妳會發現父母總是坐在一旁...

2005-09-19 08:03:07

Culture Shock II : 適應與不適應_文化間溝通能力

沒想到找個internal validity or external validity 也會看到這麼有趣的文章。這篇研究是討論如何尋找促使一個人跨越文化適應難境的個人特色的研究文獻,還挺有趣的,幫助海外遊子審視自己的個人特質是否容易適應異鄉...

2005-09-02 07:00:04

What? Professor , What are you talking about?

The second time, I feel so frustrated about my English.(The first time..I don’t want to mention that again) As a matter of fact, even though I studied in ELP for two months, I still feel that in ...

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