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2004-03-30 13:16:00

I heard you say

You always told me Don't look back in anger... But let me learn from last night And start studying hard again

2004-03-27 12:18:00

Take a big breath and start afresh

Longing Longing for the green fields Panoramic blue sky above Wind dancing on the grass Longing Longing for the smile inside me Some moments on my own Thinking of you These are Moments of...

2004-03-26 18:14:00

La La La

This is a song that I really really like.... Thank you for the lovely afternoon, Mars. 'Sogno' sung by Andrea Bocelli Va, ti aspettero. Il fiore nel giardino segna il tempo; Qui disegnero il ...

2004-03-24 18:00:00

Ma vie en rose...

Dreaming of the days Walking out into the crowd Smiling Singing Just swinging freely in the air Doing absolutely nothing Anything and everything Like a piece of gossamer Mmm, that sounds s...

2004-03-19 00:28:00


Always have been trying to think of something new to boost myself up. Futile. Something sad and historic always came up. Typical. Was browsing through olive golf's xanga out of boredom from Pae...

2004-03-17 14:44:00


(A solitary moment in RC Lee Hall)

2004-03-16 19:18:00


Today talking to Ingrid, she mentioned, "Don't be so hak hai la, we've been friends for a decade la"... Mmm, time flies so quick, some old memories are now hidden deep down in the dark abyss of my min...

2004-03-12 21:56:00

Land of Apollo

Dewy white mountain tops mingled with whitewashed mystical boxes A powerful magnetism drew me To the Oracle of Delphi Silent mountain valleys Evoking streams of awed emotion My soul was hypno...

2004-03-02 17:00:00

Percussing my way through rev

若快樂如露水短暫 把倒影當做床單 在那剩餘汗衫的初夏 把天國當做人間 若我們暢聚值得高興 連別離亦能活得豐盛 來磨擦 來燃燒 來焚毀 我生命 我會化做螢火蟲 我會當你是彩虹 不可伸手觸碰 仍衷心相...

2004-02-29 14:27:00

war mode

We all have a worldly mission, however small our world seems to us for the moment. When despair can easily shatter your deeds in a thousand pieces within seconds, you know you are terribly vulnerable....

2004-02-29 01:47:00

十 字 路 口

如果我真的愛過你 我就不會忘記 當然 我還是得 不動聲色地走下去 說 這天氣真好 風又輕柔 還能在斜陽裏疲倦地微笑 說 人生極平凡 也沒有什麼波折和憂愁 可是 如果我真的愛過你 我就不會忘記 ...

2004-02-27 12:45:00

蓮 的 心 事

我 是一朵盛開的夏荷 多希望 你能看見現在的我 風霜還不曾來侵蝕 秋雨也未滴落 青澀的季節又已離我遠去 我已亭亭 不憂 也不懼 現在 正是 最美麗的時刻 重門卻已深鎖 在芬芳的笑靨之後 誰人知我蓮...

2004-02-27 03:17:00


在漫天風雪的路上 在昏迷的剎那間 在生與死的分界前 他心中卻只有一個遺憾 遺憾今生再也不能 再也不能 與她相見 而在溫暖的春夜裏 在一杯咖啡的滿與空之間 他如此冷漠 不動聲色地 向她透露了這個秘密 卻...

2004-02-26 18:28:00


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2004-02-19 20:36:00

莫愁, 莫愁

The fragrance of the flowers dispersing through the little space of my private air, I love each drop of it. Slowly shaking my head, I do regret hanging three of them dry right on the first day, the sm...

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