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2005-05-05 23:05:04

still looking for faure's messe basse cd...

So a lot has happened during my few days away from Hong Kong. Today, I was going to Tsuen Wan for sleepover and found a pink new line from the MTR routemap! There's the new Disneyland Resort station, ...

2005-05-05 16:38:08

Do you think it''s fate, I think so

Inspiration from the Isle of Formosa The 4 day trip gave me just the right time to escape from it all, eating my brains out, looking for it back again in the Bookshop Street until I literally 'drop...

2005-04-23 10:06:05

My broken wings!

Epilogue Today, I have nothing apart from this passage to share with you. It's from one of the books I discovered during the SARS period. I remember one day some years ago, it was typhoon and I was...

2005-04-22 07:17:27


其實 並不是真的老去 若真的老去了 此刻 再相見時 我心中 如何還能有轟然的狂喜 因此 你遲疑著回首時 也不是真的忘記 若真的忘記了 月光下 你眼裡那能有柔情如許 可是 又好像並不是 真的在意 若真...

2005-04-20 00:37:41

just before i sleep

just some thing to share with you, yea, *You... 輕閉雙眼 平井堅 每當早晨醒來  你脫下的軀殼總在身邊 過去總能感受到你背後的溫暖  今天卻是一陣寒冷 停止苦笑  拉開沉重的窗簾  眩目的朝陽 ...

2005-04-19 22:39:52


There's no time to think anything deep tonight. On admission call, waiting for jobs to do. Felt, rather, blank. But this word popped up of my little head just this very moment, and I wondered what ...

2005-04-18 16:05:18


last night, I received a message. like this past week i've been drowning myself in my own folly and cheer in hiding the secrets that was about to pop out. it was just folly, i'd say. last night, while...

2005-04-15 12:51:04


i haven't written for some days it's been a storm during a storm you don't have any time to think nor anytime to plan for anything all that was in your head is the people you love the most an...

2005-04-11 23:59:51


Farewell Realised how hurt I am still I'm not going to explain again To you Ever Yours, Betty * * * 象徵的轉彎處 我用鐮刀割傷手指 月桂樹上,一雙凍傷的腳 掛著,掛著 罷黜那些龜...

2005-04-11 23:35:35


Thanks so much for the hotpot at Chong Long Ting tonight. I need a pull back into reality. I don't know why I deserve a treat, but Mandy also said the same thing to me that she ought to treat me a mea...

2005-04-10 20:13:46


I nearly didn't go out today, just felt like locking myself within my own monologue. But I did in the end, and I was glad. It was laugh and tears with my friend. Listening about a love story outside ...

2005-04-10 00:36:54


i dunno what to write today. perhaps for a few days. but i bought a few books today after the not-great interview, 1 as a present (though when i called kandice she told me not to buy it). hope ...

2005-04-08 21:26:58


I've been blessed by a good interview yesterday, a good long weekend away from my hospital starting tomorrow, and ... who knows what else will come by tomorrow! In this room smelling nicely of Mark...

2005-04-07 00:15:31


想睡,睡不著 for many many days.... 6 days? more than that. but now, the midst of midnight amidst the noise of minibuses whizzing across my windows, i felt like i have woken up, just. today's ...

2005-04-05 22:14:55


after a while few hours of dreaming about nothing that never existed, i started my researh for my interview tomorrow, of course with swollen eyes and the aftermath of a nose-bleed, ha. ican't remem...

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