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2002-07-27 01:28:21

[詩] 揣想的憂鬱

我常揣想 當暮色降臨 走過街角的你 會不會忽然停步 忽然之間 把我想起 而在那擁擠的人群中 有誰會注意 你突然陰暗的面容 有誰能知道 你心中剎那的疼痛 啊 我親愛的朋友 有誰能告訴你 我今日的歉疚...

2002-07-25 20:09:58

Take me to the stars...

How often do you gaze up to the sky and admire the starry night? In Hong Kong, you can barely do that unless you have the chance to go to Lantau or Lamma. Of course, also the uni halls as well in Pokf...

2002-07-17 23:06:20

Feeling 'Seine' once in a while

Is all this medicine driving me nuts these days? My ADL (activities of daily living) seem to be solely comprised of books, patients, and doctors, and more books (oh yea, lots of diseases as well). No ...

2002-07-16 22:08:12


That sunny afternoon under the trees Humming our favourite melody Enclosed by the fragrance of Fresh grass and buttercups Did we make any daisy chains? The gorgeous May springtime Thick hedge...

2002-07-15 23:14:29

The art of loving

If love is an art, It must be the greatest art of all. Hope we can both learn it, grasp it, and put it into our lives * * * "Is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Or is love a ...

2002-07-14 23:52:50

When you don't feel like feeling

Year 4 has finally seeped through the heat of summer. Surgery... Orthopaedics... Bronchoscopy... swirling like those Chinese lanterns. No wonder I don't feel like feeling. Maybe it's because there's a...

2002-07-14 20:10:37

[詩] 十六歲的花季

在陌生的城市裏醒來 唇間仍留著你的名字 愛人我已離你千萬里 我也知道 十六歲的花季只開一次 但我仍在意裙裾的潔白 在意那一切被讚美的 被寵愛與撫慰的情懷 在意那金色的夢幻的網 替我擋住異域的風霜 ...

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