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2004-12-31 21:04:46

Letter from India

'My love, It's a week, a long long week that I have been waiting to hear from you and write you a message. Just to say 'I love you'. Seems that you have LOTS of frustration there about relations...

2004-12-30 19:20:56

Is ignorance a bliss?

Missing my sponsored Child Charnie in Philippines. Hope she and her family is safe and sound through the stormy Tsunami in the South-East. I'm thinking of her a lot... Post-call nights are better o...

2004-12-28 20:03:12

Baby close your eyes

Back to my usual music mood, so nice. There was one time when I couldn't listen to any music, I'd just cry not knowing what to do. Silence. Stillness. Solitude. Sadness. I looked around my dedicate...

2004-12-27 23:59:19

The agony of falling in love (again)

The secret of knowing, and not telling, and seeing, and not thinking. How agonising is that. ~My call night on Christmas day this year. * * * Last night, I walked about the streets, looking f...

2004-12-26 18:56:10

Boxing day with friends

Post-call Boxing day... after a exhilarating night of blood pumping in my heart, I finally broke down to my bed and longed for a rest. But God had his special plans, I was brought out by Sharon to wat...

2004-12-24 23:22:37


Simplesmente Oh........ Life is so simple! Although it was only the 23rd, I've experienced the happiest Christmas Eve all my life I can remember, so unexpectedly. It was a just simple dinner and si...

2004-12-24 07:50:50


Oh........ Life is so simple! I really have been thinking too narrow, this and that. Although it was only the 23rd, I've experienced the happiest Christmas Eve all my life I can remember, so unexpecte...

2004-12-24 07:48:35


Oh........ Life is so simple! I really have been thinking too narrow, this and that. Although it was only the 23rd, I've experienced the happiest Christmas Eve all my life I can remember, so unexpecte...

2004-12-24 00:43:54

a willing vulnerability

Just so deeply touched, reading Xanga online just now, found some words out of the blue. 'my dearest bets. this is for you. i love you! thanks for being there for me. if i was a man (well i...

2004-12-22 22:38:38


Just so deeply touched, read something online just now, 'my dearest bets. this is for you. i love you! thanks for being there for me. if i was a man (well i'm almost there) i would fall hea...

2004-12-16 21:19:46

Be delicate, will you?

Remember the day when I got accepted to HKU medicine in August 1999, I cried. I cried because I dreaded starting my life in Hong Kong at this university, I dreaded seeing somebody ever again for th...

2004-12-15 18:41:48

Reflections 17

* * * 1 我該蒸發 如布丁雪糕融化 情詩是張空頭支票 無法兌現 2 郵局應該靠海的 電影院的出口 一轉彎,就是座 馬桶的城 3 明信片的字跡 為何總是準時歇斯底里 這年頭,沉重很貴 即使是半杯純水...

2004-12-14 07:53:10


我知道這世界不是絕對的好 我也知道它有離別 有衰老 然而我只有一次的機會 上主啊 請俯聽我的祈禱 請給我一個長長的夏季 給我一段無瑕的回憶 給我一顆溫柔的心 給我一份結白的戀情 我只能來這世上一次...

2004-12-13 20:07:01

Reflections 16

重逢之二 在漫天風雪的路上 在昏迷的剎那間 在生與死的分界前 他心中卻只有一個遺憾 遺憾今生再也不能 再也不能 與她相見 而在溫暖的春夜裏 在一杯咖啡的滿與空之間 他如此冷漠 不動聲色地 向她透露了...

2004-12-12 12:49:06

Reflections 15

It's the third Advent Sunday tomorrow, how are you going to spend it? As I said from my last entry, I'd hopefully be going out in the fresh air and take some photos (Holga and Zero!), I wonder where, ...

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