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2005-06-27 20:03:34

HND ~ Yr3

又讀完一年HND ..好似有D唔捨得..但係總唔可以成日留係college 架ma 今年既成績比上一年差左D..努力過, 就唔好怪自己喇..B-law 冇merit 都真係幾唔開心...放左好多心機落去, 收唔到應有既回報, 好down 今年發生...

2004-12-30 06:21:01


26/12 今日boxing day 呀..不過都要返工呢勁tired la guess what 我lee 兩日冇返屋企呀…本來話左去老闆娘到sleep over….後尾去左cliff 到喎…cliff 一家大少..好cute la 真係,,,果然係好easy going..一D都唔ca...

2004-12-18 07:56:30

17 dec

今日真係嬲到爆 7 點起身返學 返到去佢竟然冇返....wtF!!?? 好明顯佢係告"假"既假喇.... 個個last day 都唔上堂返學...過份~~last day 乜都唔洗做呀... police 唔洗去捉賊喇...結婚果D等放完假先結喇笨.... 英國...

2004-12-18 07:51:31

17 Dec

今日真係嬲到爆 7 點起身返學 返到去佢竟然冇返....wtF!!?? 好明顯佢係告"假"既假喇.... 個個last day 都唔上堂返學...過份~~last day 乜都唔洗做呀... police 唔洗去捉賊喇...結婚果D等放完假先結喇笨.... 英國...

2004-12-15 02:00:31

trip to edinburgh

總括尼講...一個字"慘" 本來都諗到唔會係好玩既trip ,因為主要係參觀法庭 一早起身 見到出面..s**t ..落大雨...唉 乜mood 都冇晒 出到queen street station..幾個人到左..等到9 點 janet (my tutor) 到左 ,...

2004-12-14 07:33:04


my second time to type this diary. today i went shopping with heidi b4 college , we had German hot dog for lunch and ice cream for dessert.(heidi paid) , but she was not happy about her ex-best fd...

2004-12-05 07:36:15


haven't upload anything since mid-nov. i have been so busy these day. 除左要返學 返工..仲要搞IELTS 同埋UCAS D野...又要perpare chirstmas card , presents ...我真係忙死喇...好想放假 希望一月尼會好...

2004-12-01 07:19:33


枱上既萬年曆仲係21 /11 證明我忙左10 日喇 我真係好tired ...身體既tired 我可以忍受 但係精神上真係好難recover 我甚至諗我係咪需要心理醫生.. 自從上次既意外 我冇得到過任何安全感 一個人返學.. 返工.....

2004-12-01 07:16:53
2004-11-21 07:46:14


today working from 12-5 i will just work for 11 hours start from next week. Poor me.. have no money to spend at all Jenny told me that kevin is down recently ..just sitting around at home, don't ...

2004-11-21 07:45:01


today working from 12-5 i will just work for 11 hours start from next week. Poor me.. have no money to spend at all Jenny told me that kevin is down recently ..just sitting around at home, don't ...

2004-11-19 07:58:32


好耐冇寫過日記喇.. 好明確我係一個冇恆心既人 我份econ submit 左喇. 如無意外可以get merit.. lee 兩日都係返工..返埋今日下個星期開始..唔返thursday coz i need to attend ielts class.. 加油呀小玲 ...

2004-11-09 04:20:28


今日返PM , morning 有人尼整back yard..嗯...should be 好快整完 冇草lu.. 返學做assessment..ok la 都係D word process things. should pass anyway 3點到走..去買warping paper..1 pound 呃人0既 包剩好...

2004-11-07 19:58:12


wha好耐有update 過日記喇....好忙呀ma ...actually 唔係喇 係我住睇電視 又要做assessment 呀ma 就做完econ assessment , 不過tue 要交2nd draft 喎... i hope i am in the right line...=) yesterday buffe...

2004-10-30 06:01:53


today college started @9...so early and the weather was really bad...it was dark , wet and cold. i was surprised that i wasn't that tired but i still got a cup of coffee just in case i won't fell ...

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