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2004-10-30 06:00:54


today college started @9...so early and the weather was really bad...it was dark , wet and cold. i was surprised that i wasn't that tired but i still got a cup of coffee just in case i won't fell ...

2004-10-21 03:45:49


今日返工...sooo busy ...仲要得我一個人dry dishes , kniefs and forks etc...邊有可能dry 得晒...仲要乜都俾我做coffee , tea...仲要幫出餐 大佬呀 我得一雙手咋~~ 後來我做都好rusty then 發呀堂脾氣...鬼咩D人呀...

2004-10-19 19:16:03


went to swim in the morning..didn't really enjoy that?! finally washed the curtain...so dusty ...couldn't believe that...E~~~ enjoyed the quiet moment moment in my house...finished a bit of my final...

2004-10-12 06:27:11

11/11 日記

今日一朝早出去由早水 好眼訓呀 but 好好玩 仲搞到late for class i hope sandy won't mind...haha btw 我地打算個個week都去swim 呀 返學返到3 點到 放學...actually 我都冇做到D乜 just 上internet ...做少...

2004-10-12 06:18:14

10/10 20牛一日記

我D甚麼newspaper diary 全部ill 左日記唯有放lee 度先喇~~ 今日本小姐20th birthday ...好開心呢...好豐收呀...有mobile la..頸鏈*2 有一條係mickey mouse 隻手+diamond, ceu clothes...花..e card *5,.homemade b...

2004-10-08 21:58:47

8/10 日記

仲有兩日 今日開始諗20 yrs old B/D 係咪should do something which is meaningful to my self .... but 冇人提過要同我celebrate 喎... shall i ask someone out?? STUPID...收到繁既ICQ card..that is so cute .....

2004-10-08 20:21:02


二十年前某日黃昏,有一名看似大學生的男孩徘徊在台北街頭的一家自助餐店前,等到吃飯的客人大致都離開了,他才面帶羞赧地走進店裡。 「請給我一碗白飯,謝謝!」男孩低著頭說。 店內剛創業的年輕老闆夫妻,見他沒...

2004-10-08 20:01:30

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:43:58

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:41:47

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:41:47

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:39:40

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:37:29

7/10 日記

仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-10-08 05:36:13


仲有3 日就20 yrs old la ...好唔捨得個1 字頭 我都唔車望姑姐佢地會同我celebrate la ...不竟我都好ma fan 佢地喇... 果日唔洗返工...but 都唔想出街喇 我日日都要出glasgow .... and also 今日佢地又同我講air...

2004-09-28 06:22:27


好覺得自己身處既地方好唔安全...開始諗我係咪真係應該返HK ,為左自己既安全著想 今日聽到我姑姐講 有個19 yrs old 既人raped 左一個2yrs old baby girl...搵返既時候係血淋淋...之前佢仲try to rape 個91 yrs ol...

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