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2004-02-18 16:40:17| 人氣26| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

pizza all u can eat吃到撐披薩

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"all u can eat" in italy is not so popular like in taiwan

於是在2001年夏天時 我和alfonso和一大群他以前受訓的同事一起去吃到飽披薩店時
however when the time goes back to the summer of 2001
we went to the pizza all u can eat restaurant with his coworkers

我那種興奮的心情你一定能體會 浩浩蕩蕩10幾人
u can really imagine how excited i was

坐下後 他們聊他們的 我看著桌上小小的食用指南 免強的拼湊出幾個字
with around 10 people in the table , they started to chat their working experiences and i just sat there reading the "instruction" of how all u can eat with my little italian knowledge

意思是說 吃到你說stop啦 太好了
to sum up, eat all u can eat till u say stop, great!

要知道我在2001年夏天時 口味被養大了 一定要吃完麵肉沙拉甜點才肯走
u have to know this before u read the followings
in summer 2001, i had the habit to eat pasta, meat,salad and dessert in just one meal

有次我吃了麵再吃一半沙拉時 覺得怪怪的 又追加一個烤雞胸 場面就像非洲大胃王附身一樣
one time i finished the pasta then while having the salad, i felt sth i "missed" so i ordered another roast chicken breast
the scene is like someone with a huge stomach who comes from africa

我想alfonso那時應該也有危機感 她怎麼那麼會吃 但當我問他我會不會吃太多
i think at that moment alfonso knew how dangerous i am,"how can she eat so much?" but when i ask if he thinks i eat too much

他的標準答案就是 不會不會 我喜歡看你吃 雖然知道是拍馬屁的話 聽了還是舒服
his textbook answer is "no no,i like to watch u eat"
i know its just the flattering words, but i still feel "flattered"

再跳回吃到飽 他們的前菜 也是一些炸物 依據人數給 不夠在追加
ok jump back to all u can eat
the antipasti is like everywhere in the pizzeria :the fried snacks
they gave out according to how many u r

種類很多 吃完其實4 ,5分飽了 但還有主角沒上場 就忍忍別吃太多
so many various kinds, i felt 50% full after the fried things
but the pizza didnt come out yet, i should keep some room for pizzas

披薩來了 他們將披薩放在長長的木板上 第一次3種口味 每人都有一片
pizza arrived, they put the pizzas on the long board
3 flavours for everybody

在另一輪 另3種口味 我吃到第二輪就掛了 但實在太讚 無法停手
after the first round the second round arrived another 3 flavours
they were great, i couldnt stop my hands from taking all of them

再加上他們說什麼我也聽瞴 alfonso突然連跑廁所 說不太舒服 可能是隔壁桌兩個巨型人妖害的
plus i didnt understand a word of what they were saying, only food can understand me
alfonso went to the bathroom several times and told me he didnt feel well
i thought it was cuz the 2 strong men wearing wags in girls dresses

但他打斷我與美食的熱烈約會 我臉拉下說 能不能等我吃完甜點再說
but how dared he stop what i was doing!
i told him to wait till i finish my dessert

但他的堅持 我只好挺著我的小肚肚向眾人揮別 也像我的第三輪披薩和甜點累別
but he insisted to go, so i had to go away with my 3 months pizza baby in the belly
saying ciao ciao to them including the pizza and desserts that i didnt eat yet

再會 我一定在回來 路上心情當然不愉悅 他說什麼我都說不好 連用冰淇淋賠罪也不要
ciao i'll be back! of course i didnt feel happy out of the resto
i said no to him all the way to the car , i even refused the ice cream he offered for his "sin"

我不在意他身體不適 只在乎我的美食
i didnt care how bad he felt, i cared only my "preasures"

他那時說了一句話 你竟然為了甜點和我吵架
he said to me "u fight with me for the f***ing dessert!" with serious voice

this words almost made me burst into laughs on the spot
and i always remember it^^

PS 這次我們走在維多利歐廣場逛中國超市時 巧遇他的朋友
we met a friend of his while we were shopping around piazza vittorio

我沒見過他 他卻知道我叫yiyi ,alfonso說他和我們一起去吃過披薩
i didnt know him but he knows my name, alfonso told me we had pizza together with other coworkers

那位老兄也很大膽 他說那時我光顧吃披薩 當然不記得他 好糗喔
this friend said to me of course i didnt know him cuz i was so busy having my pizzas at that moment >< i felt so embarrassed!

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