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2004-02-18 16:40:17| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

il tempio della pizza披薩神殿

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il tempio della pizza披薩神殿 位在babbo和mamma家轉角3分鐘的距離
this pizzeria is on the corner ,3 mins far from parents' home

以前去那時也吃過 當時alfonso舊說過他們和babbo同鄉 那家披薩店好吃又有名
i had pizza there before and at that time alfonso already told me they r from molise like babbo and their pizza is famous in the neighborhood

of course we went there several times this time

後來聽mamma說 他們一家五個兄弟 都單身 之前開水果店 但做的不好
and one time mamma told us the gossip about them
they have 5 brothers ,all single , before they opened a fruit stand but it didnt work out

後來才開披薩店 沒想到竟到現在買披薩還要拿號碼牌的地步
so they opened again with pizzas and till now u need to take numbers to have pizzas

在義大利的披薩 大多都是方形或大橢圓形(長達七八十公分) 買的時候 依據你的胃口選擇要切多大
pizza in italy except in resto , they r in square or long oval shape(about 70 or 80cm long)
when u buy it they cut it for u depend on the size u want

一進去披薩神殿 一條條色彩鮮豔 份量十足的批薩 就躺在玻璃窗後
everytime we go inside the shop, there are always the long pizzas which r corlorful, full of delicious toppings behind the window

每次去至少都有10種口味以上 披薩店也都有賣炸的點心 再加上烤雞
there r always 10 and more different flavours with fried snacks and roast chicken

像炸飯團包起士(suppli)是我最常吃的 還有很多種不同的
i always have suppli before have pizza, there r still some different fried choices

所以在等待時 總會被香味誘惑 結果多買幾種
while waiting, we bath in the great smell inside the shop
and the result is : we always take more than what we planned

the pizza cutter r always those 2 brothers

我在等的時候也是笑容不斷 看他們和客人的互動和流利的動作真的是享受
i always have the good mood and big smile on my face while waiting
cuz i really enjoy the interaction between them and the clients
and the smooth and fast steps

比較老的那個 每次都會和客人聊的很開心逗的大家笑哈哈 遇上女客人更是如此
the older one likes to talk laugh and make people laugh too
especially with female clients, he is really a happy person

比較年輕的 比較害羞 快速的切裝 聽到大家的笑聲才會跟著附和
the younger one is shy ,he is fast in what he does
generally he laughs with everybody

通常都是輪到老的幫我們服務 他照樣跟alfonso說些"默里賽式"的笑話
usually the older brother helps us , he likes to say some molise style jokes to alfonso

我則在旁報以微笑 因為我聽瞴 然後他會玩從玻璃窗找錢的老笑話
usually i show the big smile while alfonso is talking to him cuz i dont understand a word
then he always plays the give-back-changes-behind-the-window game

我很喜歡到他們的店裡 因為裡面的氣氛真的很義大利
i like to be there cuz there is full of "italian air"

they really know how to live the life and how to make business at the same time

PS 默里賽(molise是一個中南部的省)式的笑話 根據alfonso這個半默里賽人 就是無法接句的冷笑話
molise (a province) style joke, according to alfonso who is an half molise ,thats the unfunny joke which u have nothing to answer back

PS. sorry no pic , i will take it ,i promise!

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