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2005-06-20 12:10:15| 人氣243| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

staff training.......

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Jun 16

So far so gd, haha, tis training week passed pretty fast, day by day, v. fast its morning again, it seems like I m eating all e time. Everyday is packed w/ diff. content of staff training, sometimes watching video, first aid, canoeing, sailing, outdoor games, singing camp songs. Actually, I really enjoyed e act., n luckily, e longer I stayed here, e more nice ppl I met. There’s actually just 1 person who irritated me, so w/o interacting w/ her, all e other staff r fine to me. So 2 more days to go, then it will be our day off weekend. E 1st camp session will start on Sunday morning, should I be glad I m doing Adventure Team? I dunno. It should be something that I like to do, go canoeing, go rock climbing, n I can leave camp n explore the other places. But could I handle it? Cos e kids r all 13/14 years old. Would they bully me? Haha. Moreover, they last for 2 weeks n I can’t work w/ little kids, which I always looking fwd to. Well, totally 8 weeks n I would hv 6 wks gone, I hope I could wk w/ little kids in e mini camp n week 8, which I could also experience how e resident camp runs here! ^^

So I m going to ride horse n fishing today, nice day out, haha, my feeling is just like e weather today, pretty good!! =)


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