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2005-08-30 21:23:06| 人氣199| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Odie & e City

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Aug 28

Well, “women were born to be shoppers” is definitely true, today I experienced how intolerance it would be for me to just look not buy again. Another excuse for me to shop was I m a “process-orientated person”, I enjoyed e process of shopping more than how to deal w/ e stuff I bought. Even thou in my past N yrs of shopping experiences, 50% of e stuff would be donated in 6 mths, 30% of e stuff would be used for < 5 times, 20% of e stuff wouldn’t be touched at all……….

Anyway, today I was crazy to shop again. One reason (excuse?) was tat I (seem?) earned a lot in e US during e summer, another reason was I m rite now in another country, e last reason was I hv to prepare for my working life. Well, e worst thing of all, I bought 6 pairs of earrings today, my god, I can’t believe I was so crazy, when e reality was I dun even hv my ears pierced!! But can sb imagine when e whole world around you were wearing pretty stuff, clothes/ earrings/ bags/ shoes, I would kill myself if I dun buy some pretty stuff to cover up my jealousy.

Well, but would I really be able to wear these pretty earrings? e biggest excuse I gave myself to shop today was in order to celebrate my U graduation, I will finally pierce my ears…….. would I really do it when I back hk? I still dun hv my ears pierced in e past 23yrs even thou 90% of my gal fds hv ear holes. Pain intolerance, was what I always told ppl, I wouldn’t dare to donate blood cos of tis. (but I had a crush to get a tattoo recently >.< ) But another reason was I would like do things for reasons, well, no use to talk so much now, I might change my feeling again when I back hk, haha! ^^ if really can’t wear em, they r great hand letters for my gal fds la!! =)

台長: 能醫不自醫白勺社工
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