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IGE reflection

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Sept 29, 2005
~ Odie Lee Hoi Yin

16 days, 31 countries, 71 participants, together we have created miracles. We discussed new ideas to fight against the global issues, promised to put discussions into actions in our home country, cooperated to make memorial quilts to show our concern towards AIDS issues, brought our blessings to the remote rural village school, and more, we have built up international friendship, and also created tons of sweet memories which would last forever even when the event has come to an end.

Poverty, AIDS, environmental damages are all global problems which exist in nowadays’ world. As a global citizen, no one can escape the responsibility to play a role to fight against the problems. The International Gold Event 2005 has chosen these three main global problems as the themes, alleviation of poverty, control of HIV/AIDS, and environmental conservation. Being one of the participants, I had the chance to have a better understanding in each issue. The most valuable part of the event was that participants were all from different part of the world, ideas from both developed and developing countries made the discussions even more comprehensive and all around.

Being Gold Award Holders, every participant in the event could be described as the elites of their countries. Active and in-depth speeches were always made throughout the event. One thing which impressed me the most was that everyone was really keen on putting ideas and discussions into actions. From my previous experience, most discussions in the big events would usually end up useless bluffing if no one is doing any follow up afterwards. Targets could never be achieved if no action is followed after discussions.

This event has given me lots of new insights and new quotes which I believe I would stick to in my way of doing things in the future:
“Start by individual and start with something small”
“Make the most of chance” 时

pic: http://community.webshots.com/user/cutieodie10

台長: 能醫不自醫白勺社工
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