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2006-02-20 23:40:28


http://hompy.netvigator.com/main/page/jennifersze Above is my new home. This pchome will be stopped uploading forever~

2006-02-19 12:26:50


What is 幸福? happy? stable? doesnt need to work? travel around the world for 3 months? or being with your lover, have family and kids. Family, love, career, friends... I used to prioritize that wh...

2006-02-15 22:52:44


Just read a super funny news from yahoo.. 據一名林姓青年稱,他於上星期四透過網上,向上環一間頗具規模的花店訂花,欲在情人節送花給女友,讓女友有一個驚喜,豈料網上訂購不成,遂致電花店訂購,以一千六百元...

2006-02-11 09:35:05


...just watched last night, what a political movie. Of coz, to me, it was boring coz i think this kind of movie should appear in pearl channel only. I had watched a TV programme about this 2 years a...

2006-02-08 21:48:33


今日過咗平凡的一天。 賴床、遲到十五分鐘、隔離個同事請病假(其实我同另一個人都做到快死)、狂灌柑吉+ FF、食Lasa 麵& 唔想開OT. 已經累到在5分鐘車程的小巴也能睡著..返到屋企當然即係熟睡如泥。 訂咗Forbes仲未...

2006-02-06 22:36:26

開心? now only? and or forever?

我係一個懶有原則嘅人,經常會被自己的原則導致好多嘢唔敢做,攪到錯失了很多"短暫快樂"的機會,換來長時間嘅等待. 好多人都覺得今時今日,仲邊有人唸咁多嘢賩,開心咪得囉. 對於我嚟講,要我開心並唔難,但開心過後又如何呢...

2006-02-05 22:21:01

Very touched yo!

I was extremely touched tonight coz I have met Ngar Man.. She is so nice and didnt change for so far. She just kept on laughing whenever and whatever I say. During the dinner, she just help me for ...

2006-02-04 12:57:34


wow... 1 cup of STARBUCKS determines my life~ Happy friday last night. Wore my new clothes.. it is really great. I swear if my salary increases, I will dress much better afterward to get everything...

2006-02-01 20:25:26


- The Best movie in year 2006 (yes, only until today.. that means it is the best within 32 days.) This movie actually made me think about a lot of things. About my life, about my family and I can ap...

2006-01-30 18:58:02

Unhappy chinese new year

Well, rather a bad start this year. Something personally happened... so.. feel so bad. Need to work v hard this year for my family so that they, they can have a happy life (at least for seversal year...

2006-01-28 02:00:59

Another day, another page

The second Thai trip was much better than the previous one. Luxury, no pressure. Sleep whenever I want. Now, I have a lot of things pending to do. My job, my personal bills to be settled, gathering...

2006-01-18 21:35:55

Shopping week

Wah.. I have already spent more than HKD8000 for shopping this month (January). Why lei... let’s count. 1 DC 2 suits 3 clothes 2 camera cover 2 CDS 2 dinners female stuff in Bangkok Disneyla...

2006-01-14 00:09:09


係呢三日裡,我好憎我自己。有多嘢我可以做得更好,但因我一時鬆懈,結果做得好差。Preparation 一百分,無問題。問題係.. 1.原來我無公事包,但要carry training material, so I carried a paperbag. So being in...

2006-01-07 23:47:09

Tight schedule...

I have done so many things today... 1. haircut 2. prepared my suprise to sister 3. go to MK to buy a cheap MP3 (below 300) while my rich friend bought a ear phone for HKD 1700.. which made me feel ...

2006-01-07 00:55:41


Very tired but productive day. Prepared 6 powerpoints. Documents almost finalised. Prepared all the reimbursement things. Checked all the cases. Managed client’s expectation. Done something imp...

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