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2005-07-03 20:49:59

Everyone is replacable?

In my company, there is a sentence called "Everyone is replacable". But in life, this sentence cannot be applied. Sometimes, you may meet somebody who impresses you a lot, who you think you can su...

2005-07-03 14:09:48


最近晚晚都發奇怪嘅夢,而且都好真實。一d唔見咗嘅嘢,會係我面前重現。一d絕咗交嘅,又好似無事發生過咁。一d無可能好声好氣嘅人又可以变得好nice... 昨晚去了個非常浪漫的地方BBQ, 好可惜依家無target@ 經過...

2005-06-29 21:25:10


快樂守則,每做到一項,快樂便多一些。你做到幾多項? checlist (for applicable items only): -喜歡你喜歡的人,討厭你討厭的人,待人毋須平等。 (Yes) -告訴你喜歡的人你喜歡他╱她。 (yes) -無關重要的人...

2005-06-28 23:54:22


有句嘢叫做" Friends is the reflection of my life." 今日有人話我:"你咪咁小氣la.." "你好似成日講慘"..(原來我有d咁嘅口頭禪) 記得以前有人同我講話我笑個陣,會把手放在口前~ er... 原來我係d咁嘅人.typ...

2005-06-27 23:39:08

振作@ feedback

Friends' comment: Childish.. u like him? 大人不記小人過 ... etc. I like 大人不記小人過. hehe.. I am 大人. =) hehehehehe.. hahahaha..

2005-06-27 23:18:43


近排心情欠佳,身體不適,又失眠,鼻水.. 証明我正在處於極大壓力中。呢味嘢, year three 嘆過。瘦到變骨仙,又成日瞓唔到。一日只食2歺,夜晚3点先瞓。 依家都差不多。好靜,唔想多講。只怪自己太老實,成日俾人...

2005-06-26 21:02:25


致各部門主管及員工: 為使公司各部門主管及各職級的工作關係更和諧,經管理層商議後,現請各部門主管及員工參考下列日常應對,避免工作上產生言語衝突,促進公司的生產力情況。 『被要求加班時』 試著說:...

2005-06-23 23:45:08

My 1st Name card..distributed!

My first name card was distributed tonight to a person that I just know for 3 hours. That was really fun. When you distribute one time, you would like to distribute more to others. Haha So tonight ...

2005-06-22 00:04:17

New friends

New friends, New impact to life. Started to know people life from different part of the industry. That is good but when new friend looks at me, they all look very frightened. Am I very scary? um.....

2005-06-20 23:54:43


嘩!今日lunch 元氣,dinner 峰壽司,然后又樓上Coffee shop.. 好 typical 嘅香港人生活~ 估唔到呢个世界上有人同我一樣唸法,都可算志同道合。真係好好好開心..但我打 street fighter 好屎 >_

2005-06-19 19:57:43

How to maintain a relationship

It is very difficult to maintain a relationship. It can be good for 2 years but starting from the 3rd years, it would be difficult. It is because normally ppl have changes per 2 years. HKCEE --> HKAL ...

2005-06-18 22:11:43

Mr. and Mrs. Smth

I love this movie a lot. Funny and relax.. I also got a folder from the popcorns. Hoho.. Today I sat and saw my friends to play bowling.. they enjoyed it a lot. But I dont think I am able to h...

2005-06-18 00:23:46

My Friends

Well.. Last night I had a bad dream, really horrible. Today I have another nightmare in the daytime. Thanks to Kenny. He made me feel a lot relax although I didnt told him why I need to meet him ur...

2005-06-09 00:26:56

Starting another page of my life

So.. planning my life again 1. Less travelling 2. save money 3. eat less 4. read more 5. know more friends 6. increase my knowledge 7. buy new clothes 8. hardworking 9. Learn French (say th...

2005-06-01 20:38:26

Thought for the day

Life at work is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels. Some monkeys are climbing up, some down. The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The...

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