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2005-02-25 14:32:54| 人氣57| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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sorry to make miuling disappointed,
i move to another house finally.
Because they don't like me to cook and use the phone.
Everyone know Eating is so important for me, and talking also....heeeee
It's more than enough to kill me by stopping me to do that
To be alone overseas, sometimes u really want to cook something for yourself, and chat with friends, but i cant do these in this house

I will move to live with students again, that makes me more comfortable.
And I can concentrate on my studies.
Take two media courses this semester, it's totally new for me, hope I can handle la.
And the tution fee i should pay is NZ$8700, nearly HK$50000 for this semester. Wah, very lucky I don't need to pay that price coz i paid to BU already. so expensive.

台長: bo
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