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2007-01-09 23:55:50| 人氣104| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Asleep On A Sunbeam

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告別不用帶腦工作的日子、培養我成長的房間,走到寂靜如圖書館的房間工作,聽到的除了是指頭靈敏地在鍵盤上掠過的聲音外,就只冷酷的電話鈴聲,然後是一些很有禮貌的對話。有點懷念以往大伙兒衝鋒陷陣的工作模式,雖然是倒模式的工作、收工時間不能自主,總比現在獨個兒在玻璃房內孤軍作戰好得多。我是喜歡工作排山倒海的來,一輪衝次然後close file。進了玻璃房就是與世隔絕,只能專心致志的低頭寫寫寫,好的是可以依時收工,閒來想想將來可做的小事。感謝!

想小事的其間也想起這首歌,哼著的時候就很滿足,好像真的asleep on a sunbeam. to those who are heading to their dream land, " i could watch your dreams flicker in your eyes"! take care all.

When the half light makes for a clearer view
Sleep a little more if you want to
But restlessness has siezed me now, it’s true
I could watch the dreams flicker in your eyes
Lying here asleep on a sunbeam
I wonder if you realise you fascinate me so

Think about a new destination
If you think you need inspiration
Roll out the map and mark it with a pin
I will follow every direction
Just lace up your shoes while I’m fetching a sleeping bag, a tent...
Another summer’s passing by
All I need is somewhere I feel the grass beneath my feet
A walk on sand, a fire I can warm my hands
My joy will be complete

I thought about a new destination
I’m never short of new inspiration
Roll out the map and mark it with a gin
Made my plans to conquer the country
I’m waiting for you to get out of your situation
With your job and with your life

All I need is somewhere I feel the grass beneath my feet
A walk on sand
A fire, I can warm my hands
My joy will be complete

台長: 陳九
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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2007-01-15 00:57:05
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