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2005-08-24 19:16:40| 人氣80| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Insomnia in August

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Insomnia, I was sleepless again these days. Watching the sky turn pale. That’s frequently happen before the day of morning shift but it’s getting worse in August. Lying on my bed without real sleep. My brain was just too tired to function.

On the last raining day, I discovered that one arm of my green umbrella was broken. I knew it would happen but never expect the day come so soon. But still I was too nervous, depress and pathetic when the days come.

Too many promises turn to lies; too much expectations turn to pressure. Explanations become excuses to justify one’s action and fools other. The underlying cause is that, tolerance and passion is fading out, or new provider was emerged. One can never avoid it from happening.

Peoples are too weak and selfish which only consider their feelings, and finding excuses to escape. This time, there is no way out but to stand stronger. How to format my brain so that I can increase my adaptability?

This summer, I decided to devote myself to sweat, books and sleeping.

Recently, I used 3 weeks of my guard post time to finish a book: sky burial. It’s all about faith, love, loyalty and survival. The author who“ couldn’t even face introducing herself to fellows, terrified that the most basic question might send her to a state of emotional turmoil.” said writing can be a source of strength. Nice book, so I start my writing again.

台長: 陳九
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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