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2003-11-22 17:00:08| 人氣67| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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發表於: 星期六 十一月 22, 2003 2:22 pm 文章主題:

firstly, i have to apologise for my low standard of english~

well....back to the topic...to u,what's is music?
aaha..we're not going to talk about what is good or bad...so we can skip this issue...
to me, music is music. Yep~ Why do we have to say what is good?
Music is a kind of arts. U can love whatever u love or which u have conversation with it. But..sadly....people are going to have some concepts in minds,like" Only indie music is good","u love bubblegum song?oh my god..this guy is gay", "ur lovely band is not underground enough(for example, a guy loves Linkin Park, then an other guy who loves Brian Eno, say: this guy knows nothing about music, he is too foreskin), u are a poser","the band's music is suck, i can learn to play it in 3mins, too simple) etc..~bahbahaha~u can say u dun love it,but u can't say it's rubblish. if u want some technical, u can say it's not tech enough for reason, but u dun have to say it's so "kindergarten", it's shit.

Plz....buddy....respects others....u can say it's not ur cup of tea..but could u not put music on a "High Level"....it's just a interest....don't think u're so fucking alternative becoz u listen ur "alternative" music. We say it's a pop music(here, it means product) in a commerical field, but it doesn't mean the music is too "pop"(yep..it means music itself now,"pop" means suck). Don't be so sensitive to"Pop"this word.u love punk,u love avant garde, u love metal, u love experimental, yep., u're different with many people.but , so fucking what? In ur fave music community, it's u guys "pop"song also.Popular in that community. Alternative music means it's not popular in the society, but not saying u're alternative, u're better than others.

So, how about Mr tse? I will say he's suck..but i have no comment about his music. Twins?They're Q~ their songs? Like themselves, Q~Edison? Remind him, he is singing R&B,but not his fave hiphop.

Remember,"ham yu chin choi,kok yau sor ai".
We listen music becoz we love music, plz don't think too much about the "study" of music.You're not going to write a journal.Of course if u love music, u will want to know more about it. It's ok,but bear in mind,u only have to know"I love this music". Don't be the people in "zun dynasty " (i don't remember is it correct or not,may be "ai chun south north dynasty",anyone can check it?), they focused on the theory of poems, and forget the original meaning of poem.Attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials, it is so stupid.

so..ye..this is the end of this silly article....
to me..Music is what do i love......this is the one and all.

Love Will Tear Us Apart

台長: aHo*
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