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2014-12-30 18:14:08| 人氣119| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Su Jian years, landscape painting

This thought since then sign off, no longer put their minds to write up, open the thick diary, a scenery reappear in my mind. The mottled memories, you smile, there is also my sorrow, who cannot bear to think of the past events of the past, looking back with no qiang.

And they are a part of my past
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That year's snow, like over the autumn of October, falling in yesterday. You walk in the snow, left deep footprints, I hold up an umbrella for you, blocking the cold wind and the scattering of snow, you have to escape from the sky under the umbrella, as falling snow enchanting your huafa. Your hand, a snowflake float into your palm, into a crystal droplets dispersed, with palm lines. I ask you: "cold"? You said: "not cold, I like the winter snow, haven't seen such a big snow".
Watching you intoxicated appearance, I also got drunk. Yes, in the South rarely snowed so heavily, even under the will only in the floor with a thin layer, soon melted. But the snow looks like the long, covered with a thick layer of, never open.
Review the mottled memories, from the first page of the diary book turned up, a note from the falls, I forgot this is when put into it, write a line of small print "thank you accompany me through a section of warm time for meeting you in my most beautiful years and that will be my life a acme scenery, I wish you peace time". Read the fine print, once again out of the little.
The time you left in a hurry, go on a snowy winter, the snow day also heavily, but could not stop the pace of your leaving. I send you to the train station, no way, look at your moist eyes, I know your tears in my heart, but you pretend to have no matter, but I can not comfort you, also can accompany you cry. We each other heart to understand, who first uttered those words of comfort, will be tears, so had to pretend to live in peace with each other, that time I quite like. Then I turned to the diary, found that you leave the plain words, perhaps it is you finally leave soul goodbye. Now reliving dreams, but I showed Ann warm smile, perhaps already in his mind.

台長: 仿佛依然是昨天
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