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2014-04-23 14:28:18
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2014-04-11 09:42:52
2014-04-10 17:15:29
2014-04-10 11:51:14
2017-12-01 17:52:40

hat day really upset and angered

“We were kicked out of McDonald’s,” she says of her black friendship group. “It wasn’t actually us that caused the trouble, but the police were called to McDonald’s...

2017-06-01 11:52:18

andhowled with vexation

My chief hope was in the coming daylight. They were lesslikely to attack a man then than in the dark. I had oftenmet one or two together when hunting; these had alwaysbolted. But I had never seen a pa...

2017-03-07 12:08:10

she took with her

"No, I couldn't.""Well now; what hussies they must have been! And to think you were here all alone, with no better company! It makes my heart bleed. They DO say that Bridget Malony is equal to anythin...

2017-02-22 12:16:10

thought and her teeth chattered

But the child only clung the closer.As she reached the landing, the whole lower floor leaped up at her. All the ielts ukvi homely, well-lovedarticles of furniture seemed to whisper: “Good-by! Go...

2016-10-20 15:26:03

Every time I was called

I thought it was the best speech I had ever heard. I was leaning forward in my chair, noddingvigorously Artas Robotic Hair Transplant. Carrie Weber, my brilliant and totally-not-a-fraud roommate, was ...

2016-10-20 15:24:43

realized that in addition

It was a watershed moment for me with her, he would sanction everything at oncehe answered.. A moment when I witnessed how an internal barrier can alterwomen’s behavior. A moment when I to faci...

2015-01-15 17:02:34

Leaves is not home

This is a mountains embrace Qiang village, around the mountain stretches of the cement road do not know where the village connects, and bustling, like insulation, this village in the mountains themsel...

2015-01-09 17:41:02


現世安穩 花開時相聚,花落時別離,都是些自然的事。不管何時,相逢總是會讓人感到高興和歡愉。無論何地,別離也總是會讓人感到憂傷和淒冷。正如我喜歡的那句話:你走,我不送你,你來,無論風雨多大,我都接你。...

2014-12-30 18:14:08

Su Jian years, landscape painting

This thought since then sign off, no longer put their minds to write up, open the thick diary, a scenery reappear in my mind. The mottled memories, you smile, there is also my sorrow, who cannot bear ...

2014-12-12 16:16:59


縱然有幾百年的生命,卻也無法護全自己的葉,任他們墜落,墜入生死輪回,不留痕跡。  都說草木無情,我卻獨愛花草。就算是再冷的日子,也喜歡披衣下樓,在寒風中,瑟瑟發抖的自己望著瑟瑟發抖的葉,竟頓覺兩者本是...

2014-12-12 14:40:36



2014-12-11 14:47:28



2014-11-11 14:28:23


春天隨想冬天的寒意尚未脫盡,春天已如期而至了。 一棵棵小草顫巍巍地從泥土裏鑽了出來,被陰冷的寒氣修理了一段時間,顯得有些形容憔悴;山上的積雪開始消融,但有的地方還殘留雪跡,一庹一庹的,遠遠看去像花豹子...

2014-11-11 14:27:56



2014-10-27 16:15:25



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