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Rolex Arts Weekend seven emerging artists will work together

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Rolex Arts Weekend seven emerging artists will work together to showcase new work


mentor protégé Gilberto Gil and music from Egypt Dina El Wedidi


Rolex Arts Weekend seven emerging artists will work together to showcase new work


Lin and dance instructor protege from Brazil Eduardo Fukushima


Rolex Arts Weekend seven emerging artists will work together to showcase new work


Italian movie protégé Sara Fgaier and mentor Walter Murch


a public protege will be famous Puccini Foundation (Fondazione Giorgio Cini) through the creation of various forms of display, such as talks, performances and events, so that the audience understand their instructors spent together with a year-long artistic journey . Rolex PROTÉGÉ invited many world-class artists for a year of creative exchange and emerging artists. These artists involved in seven different areas of architecture, dance, film, literature, music, theater and visual arts.


Rolex Arts Weekend Event Highlights:


● music from Egypt Al protege Tina Wei Didi (Dina El Wedidi) will hold a concert, singing their upcoming album tracks, including Gilberto Gil and mentor two tracks (Gilberto Gil) chorus.


● visual art from Colombia protege Ma Tiao Lopez (Mateo López) and mentor William Kentridge (William Kentridge) co-produced animated film screenings weekend activities will be times, when in Puccini's maze will be equipped with professional audio devices Lopez.


● salad from the Italian movie protege Gail (Sara Fgaier) will be two different sets of equipment to showcase their latest works and discuss the movie clip art and mentor Walter Murch (Walter Murch).


● an abandoned swimming pool in the 1950s has become the location of the two films loop to stop-motion animation shows China building protege, Zhao Yang (Yang Zhao) and instructors TSZ MUI Sejima (Kazuyo Sejima) of the new building.

 dance protégé

● Brazilian Eduardo Fukushima (Eduardo Fukushima) will be Puccini's Palladio 's Refectory premiered "hunchback" (Crooked Man), this work is in modern dance instructor Lin (Lin Under Hwai min) guidance to complete.


● literary protege from the UK Naomi Alderman (Naomi Alderman) will read his forthcoming novel, to explore her mentor Margaret Aitewude (Margaret Atwood) co-creator of digital works.


● instructor Patrice Jaap (Patrice Chéreau) guidance Polish theater protégé Miha Bo Zhake (Michał Borczuch) will direct his team several hours to perform routine public rehearsal.


Rolex charitable affairs director Rebecca Irwin (Rebecca Irvin) said: "As a cultural center of art and architecture with a long history, Venice is the ideal location for the Rolex PROTÉGÉ weekend exhibition of works, planning efforts on providing support to budding artists and we are pleased to be hosting the event at the gorgeous Puccini Foundation,LV包包, because Puccini Foundation and the Rolex hold the same values ​​in the protection and promotion of cultural aspects, while guests can also have the same outstanding Easily among the various activities involved in the venue. "


Rolex Creative Financing Scheme by adding a "Friends of St. George's" support for the Puccini Foundation. Puccini Foundation is a non - profit cultural organization dedicated to promoting the Venice of educational, social,LV包包, cultural and art institutions development. Foundation, an independent organization of meetings and seminars, but also to welcome distinguished Cultural and Scientific Organization sponsored events. Foundation located 圣乔治马乔雷 Island (San Giorgio Maggiore), sitting on St. Mark's Basin (St Mark 's Basin) the stunning views, and with the Piazza San Marco (St. Mark' s Square) and the Governor's Palace ( Palazzo Ducale) look relatively remote.

推薦好文:Shanghai Jiu Guang Department Store

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