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Mercure Paris launched the Crown Ruby Imagine Cannes

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Mercure Paris launched the Crown Ruby Imagine Cannes-閩南語認證


66th Cannes Film Festival in the local community May 15 to 26 held, so far, is nearing completion. "Palme d'Or" award where the flowers have been more and more aroused people's conjecture.



"Palme d'Or" award from the Cannes Film Festival is the supreme award,Mercure Paris launched the Crown Ruby Imagine Cannes, the equivalent of the Oscar's "Best Picture", because the trophy for the gold palm branches, so called "Palme d'Or." "Palme d'Or" award by the jury at the film contest finalists, selected film festival awards, and the jury judges are world-class director and actor. Throughout its history, the "double Palme d'Or club" members only five (six) bits: Francis Ford Coppola (USA),http://www.nike000.com/, Bill Auguste (Denmark), Shohei Imamura (Japan) , Emil Kusturica (Serbia, the former Yugoslavia), Dardenne brothers (Belgium). Familiar to everyone, such as: "Paris, Texas" (Wim Mendes), "Pulp Fiction" (Quentin Tarantino), "Dancer in the Dark" (Lars von special Montreal), "The Pianist" (Roman Polanski), "Fahrenheit 911" (Michael Moore),http://www.nike000.com/, etc., are the Palme d'Or winner.




It is understood that the current Cannes who won the "Palme d'Or" title, will be fierce competition. Coen Brothers film "Zuixiang ballad"; Roman Polanski film "Venus wear fur", "time parting"; director Siha · Fa Hadi new "past" and other films are selected finalists. In Asia, in addition to Jia Zhangke's new "heaven", the Takashi Miike film "Straw Shield"; Kore-eda Hirokazu film "as a father like son" also elected to the main competition. And we have the Hollywood Steven Soderbergh's "candlestick behind" was crowned, the film by Michael Douglas co-starred with Matt Damon and strength.



as France's classic Parisian luxury brand Mercure MATZO PARIS, on Cannes' Palme d'Or "award vesting very concerned about, after all, this is the home for the World Series. It is reported that, in order to express concerns of love, Paris Mercure MATZO PARIS launched special "Crown Ruby" series of jewelry to express in advance to congratulate the winners of the future. Paris Mercure MATZO PARIS "Crown Ruby" series of jewelry include earrings, bracelet and. This expensive jewelry continues Mercure MATZO PARIS Paris tradition, contains Mercure Paris jewelry philosophy, the perfect symbolism to expand the Crown and migration. It is designed to absorb the essence of the crown moldings, Xiang ring design Splendid full diamond pieces, like the base of the crown, huge pear-shaped ruby ​​crown as the most dazzling place, representing the supreme power and status. Its shape and meaning exactly represent the "Palme d'Or" award at the Cannes Film Festival supremacy, as well as the winner of the incomparable brilliance of honor.





It is understood that Paris Mercure MATZO PARIS this "Crown Ruby" series of jewelry is only limited sale during the festival, so it will be like the "Palme d'Or" trophy as extremely precious.





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