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2013-11-29 10:31:24
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2012-12-31 18:17:02
2012-12-31 18:15:54
2012-12-31 18:14:39
2013-11-29 10:31:24

Rolex Arts Weekend seven emerging artists will work together

    mentor protégé Gilberto Gil and music from Egypt Dina El Wedidi     Lin and dance instructor protege from Brazil Eduardo Fukushima     Italian movie protégé Sara Fgaier and mento...

2013-11-28 10:56:25

Rolex Thielemann and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra watch

    The grand show was held in Beijing, it is worth mentioning that China Central Television will be the first to record the entire Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the National Theatre, the music...

2013-11-28 10:56:16

Sotheby's will Beijing Art Week presents portraits of Rembra

    Rembrandt "man hands on her hips like"   Sotheby's Impressionist and Modern Art Department of the International Union chairman David Norman (David Norman) said: "The Dutch Golden Age spans a...

2013-11-27 17:17:50

When precious dollars, Sotheby's Hong Kong will be held on D

    Patek Philippe 5033P Model diamonds in platinum self-winding calendar watch three questions prepared black dial   Viewings: November 30-December 1 (11:00 to 18:00); December 2nd to 5th (11...

2013-11-27 17:17:47

Beijing New World Hotel adhering to modern Oriental hospital

   New World Hotel Beijing   as a symbol of the hotel opened for business, New World Hotel Beijing will launch a special "unveiling the promotion of courtesy", from now until February 28, 2014,...

2013-10-14 13:09:36

Mercure Paris launched the Crown Ruby Imagine Cannes

Mercure Paris launched the Crown Ruby Imagine Cannes-閩南語認證   66th Cannes Film Festival in the local community May 15 to 26 held, so far, is nearing completion. "Palme d'Or" award where the flow...

2013-10-14 13:09:27

The most sought-after antique lace wrap exhibition lure bi

The most sought-after antique lace wrap exhibition lure big luxury alternative-許維恩姊姊   lace is the most exclusive elements loyal to women. It is sometimes soft elegance, sometimes with some st...

2013-09-23 13:26:23

LUX力士助陣張雨綺 巴黎戛納綺跡蛻變 美顏品牌時尚

LUX力士助陣張雨綺 巴黎戛納綺跡蛻變 美顏品牌時尚-美女議員立川明日香 2013-05-29 15:52 來源: tt_reborn 文章導讀:繼2013年巴黎時裝周,她以一身化繁為簡的披肩柔順長發營造出的東方...

2013-08-23 16:01:02



2013-08-21 16:41:36

花露詩雨-茶樹精油 健康生活必備化妝美容

花露詩雨-茶樹精油 健康生活必備化妝美容-老農津貼  紫外線、空氣汙染和工作壓力直接影響到我們肌膚健康,痘痘時常光顧,此起彼伏,腫麼辦?花露詩雨茶樹單方精油蘊含茶樹精華成分,可幫助面部痘痘肌膚有快速消炎、...

2013-08-21 16:41:32

The stately Hometextile Hometextile furniture stately home t

The stately Hometextile Hometextile furniture stately home textile brand the stately home agent stat-新竹縣 stately home textile was established in 1986,The stately Hometextile Hometextile furniture s...

2013-08-21 16:41:30



2013-08-14 15:12:42

Jean Paul Gaultier 全新2013夏季經典對香 經典品牌美容時尚

Jean Paul Gaultier 全新2013夏季經典對香 經典品牌美容時尚-宣明智 2013-05-21 11:30 來源:時尚 編輯/張蕊 文章導讀:2013年夏季, Jean Paul Gaultier(高緹耶)以極具代表性的元素之...

2013-08-14 15:12:17

30天進食麥噹勞的身體紀錄 健康新知

30天進食麥噹勞的身體紀錄 健康新知-中國最胖女神  一位獨立制片人,花了30天的時間,每天在麥道勞解決一日三餐。然後記錄下自己身體的變化,拍懾成一部紀錄片。30天後,結果令人瞠目――也許你今後再也不想掽薯條...

2013-08-14 15:11:48

劉燁再登《時尚先生》封面 談父子經 封面話報明星

劉燁再登《時尚先生》封面 談父子經 封面話報明星-熟男女神  近日,知名演員劉燁再次登上《時尚先生Esquire》雜志,為其六月刊父與子特輯拍懾封面及一組父子主題的時裝大片,並在雜志中首度開腔暢談作...

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