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2011-07-15 13:54:09| 人氣55| 回應0 | 下一篇
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what is the thing about contact...

how would you define contact...

if u'd ask me why i wrote those line

i would tell you that i have no reason for u

and i'm now living miserably

People might see me as a person who knows what i am doing

but in fact i'm just following the path that the faith in future is leading me to

who know who i am

who knows what i should do in the future

i guess the questions that i'm asking are very simple for most of the people

however, currently i'm facing problems that might be the simplist for others

not knowing the faith in myself

to be continued.....

台長: 泰迪 尼
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 心情小語 |
此分類下一篇:finally got time to think of my second article

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