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2011-09-04 16:15:28


半夜三點回到宿舍 帶著沉重的心情你問我為何沉重?我也不知道只覺得不知道為什麼心情沉重或許因為感情的失敗 或者因為失敗不敢再做出嘗試我是個懦弱的人因為一次的失敗 而封閉了內心封閉了自己把自己和他人外面隔一道...

2011-09-02 12:24:54


來到國外 常常躺在床上 莫名其妙就想睡了吃跑了就想睡了上課上著也想睡了走路也能想睡難道我除了睡覺就不能做一些其他事情了嗎總覺得 睡覺已經變成我的主要活動abel91740的相簿想改 卻不知道何從改起 還是說沒有動力...

2011-08-31 18:00:00

finally got time to think of my second article

Some people say that our destiny is controlled by the god or some say the nature, and others might say that we control our own destiny. Does it matter that our destiny is controlled by us or the na...

2011-07-15 13:54:09


what is the thing about contact...how would you define contact...if u'd ask me why i wrote those linei would tell you that i have no reason for uand i'm now living miserablyPeople might see me as a pe...

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